Chapter 13

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"all packed and ready to go!" I shouted as they all came downstairs and placed all their bags in their cars.

"never expected the queen to be this early." Danny said and I rolled my eyes on him.

"maybe I just woke on the right side of the bed." I said and they all smiled at me.

"Goodmorning Li." Elyar said as he passed by me.

"Goodmorning El." I said avoiding possible eye contact with him.

"are we all set?" Ben said and we all said a loud "YES" to him and he just laughed.

"let's go!" Elyar said as he ran towards the van that he's riding. I followed him expecting Sylvia to join us but when I got in, the driver closed the door.

"Hey sylvia's not here yet." I said.

"Sylvia's going to be with Crissy on her van." Elyar said and I stayed quiet after that.

The five hour ride home was filled with radio music and none of us were talking. He was busy tweeting and doing stuff with his Iphone while I was looking at the window while catching glances at him the whole time. 

"Thanks for everything El. and thanks for the ride." I said as I placed all of my things down and was about to carry them inside when he got out and helped me.

"Here. Let me help you." He said and I smiled at him but then faded knowing that his doing this for publicity again. He knows there are paparazzis out there.

"I'll meet you tomorrow for the meeting then. goodbye." I said when my things are settled in. He kissed my cheek and bid farewell as well.

I went up to my apartment and brought everything out. My used clothes, my wet clothes, my spare food and my necessities. 

I was busy fixing and doing chores that I forgot I wasn't able to eat lunch today. That explains my stomach growling. I tied my hair up, grab my sling bag and keys and went out for a lunchdate with myself. I went to the nearest restaurant and ordered three servings of their ultimate clubhouse sandwich. I was that hungry.

I was eating alone and was about to finish my sandwhich when all of a sudden, I heard clicking sounds and flashes of lights coming from behind. I turned around and I saw people with cameras not-so-hiding from me. 

"not again" I whispered to myself. I was freaking out on how to escape without them chasing me and luckily I saw Macy coming in.

"Macy!" I called out to her and she was really happy to see me.

"Ellie! What are you doing here? I thought you were on vacation?"  She asked and I pulled out a chair for her.

"Just got home from there. So how are you here?" I asked and she told me all about the recital and how wonderful her students were.

"That's great! So you're not busy today?" I asked and she shook her head telling me she's not.

"How about some shopping then?" I said and she jumped in excitement.

"But wait. I need to eat, I'm starving." She said and one ultimate clubhouse for me won't hurt a thing right?

After we ate our lunch together, we went to the mall and had our girl time together.

"We haven't done this in a week alraedy and  miss it so much!" Macy said and I agreed with her.

"Hey. Are you going home this Christmas?" I asked her.

"Nope. I gave them tickets to go here instead and celebrate Christmas with me." She said and that was really wonderful.

"That's amazing. Well as for me, I can't go home because of work. Elyar will have his tour starting next week until January and I will also be there. I'll be able to give them their Christmas Presents though." I said raising the paperbags I've been carrying for a while now.

"Well atleast you got them something for Christmas." She said as I smiled at her. She raised one of her brows. 

"So aren't you going to tell me?" She asked. Oh crap!

"Tell you what?" I asked pretending I didn't know what she's talking about.

"Come on. Spit it out. I'm not your best friend if I didn't know your every move." She said and yes she knows me damn well.

"what are you talking about?" I said trying to avoid the topic.

"play with your fingers while we're walking, you don't look me in the eye when you talk about something, your steps are half steps than your normal steps." She said and I faced her with an O shaped mouth.

"Why do you even know that?" I asked and she just smiled proud of herself.

"Just tell me already" She said and I sighed in defeat.

"Fine. but not in here. In my apartment maybe?" I said and she agreed knowing that people might hear our conversation.

When we got to my place, I locked the door and windows just in case.

"Speak." She said and I sat on the couch beside her.

"I don't know where to start but here it goes. You know that Elyar and I are just pretending right?" I asked first and she made a quick "yes" for an answer.

"and we're just doing this for good publicity and he's doing this because I got drunk and all and he's doing a great job actually and I-" She didn't let me finish my sentence and started talking.

"Just get to the point wil you?" She said.

"Well.. I don't think I'm still pretending anymore." I said and her eyes were wide open due to great shock.

"You like him don't you?" She asked.

"I tried not to but he's all sweet and cuddly and good looking and just plain perfect. He makes me happy, so happy." I said and she just smiled at me.

"There's no wrong in liking him." She said and I stood up running my hand through my hair.

"But he doesn't like me back. Yes we're all lovey dovey in public but at the end of the day, we're going back to just being friends and it hurts a lot Mace. It hurts." I said and didn't even realize that I'm starting to cry. Macy hugged me and combed my hair with her fingers which I find it very comforting.

"Just hang in there. You'll  get through this and always remember that I'm here for you no matter what. Just give me a call and I'll be here for you." She said and I nodded. She's always been there for me but I was never there for her when she needed me. She's always keeping her problems all to herself and I didn't want that. I want to help her too.

"and if you ever needed me, I'll always be there as well." I said and she nodded.

She has feelings for elyaaaaar! XD so vote for him!

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