Chapter 16

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"You are ruining our Christmas! Get out!" Sally shouted and I placed my hand on her shoulders.

"It's fine Sally I got this." I said.

"but-" I looked at her and she sighed as she went inside her room to give us some privacy.

"what an insolent girl. What are we doing here anyway?" His mom said. Didn't see her there at first though.

"oh. you're here too." I said and she looked at me with hateful eyes.

"Why? am I not welcome?" She asked and I smiled at her.

"oh don't be ridiculous. You are never welcome in my house. So leave," I said. She made a furious look and was about to hit me when I blocked her hand.

"My roof, My rules and you are under it." I said and I shove her hand.

"Mom please. We talked about this." Kurt suddenly spoke.

"no! I can't take this! She is not worth an apology!" She shouted.

"What did I ever do to you in the first place? Why do you hate me that much? because as far as I can remember, I didn't do anything to upset you." I said. She was speechless and couldn't mutter a single word. I knew I was right. She just freaking wants to control Kurt's life which  I hope she won't.

"If you're done, you may now leave." I said attempting to close the door when she blocked it.

"Fine. Where's your father?" She asked me. Why the hell did she want to see my father.

"Why does it have to involve my-" I wasn't able to complete my sentence and I heard dad behind me saying,

"Kirsten? Is that really you?" dad said.

"Want to come in?" dad asked them but she just glared at him and returned to face me.

"Ask him why." She said as she turned her back on us. I wasn't really sure of what the hell happened to them but when I focused on Kurt, he just gave me an apologetic look as he took a step forward. I took a step back without looking at him.

That's as far as you could go." I said without looking at him. I don't hold a grudge on him. It's just that.. his mom doesn't really like me, so I don't like her either.

"I just want to tell you that I'm really really sorry. I just want you to be okay. I want us to be okay. Please just give me a chance." Kurt told me and this time I faced him.

"I'm really really sorry from the bottom of my heart. I still love you." He said. I began to soften my expression since it wasn't his fault in the first place. I was the one who told him to choose his mom and I never regretted it. I took a step forward and cupped his shoulders, smiling.

"I forgive you but-" I was about to tell him that I love someone else but he spoke before I could say something.

"I know. You have Elyar now and I can see the Happiness between you and him. I saw ou moving on while I'm still stuck. I just want  your forgiveness before I leave." He said.

"You're leaving?" I asked and he nodded.

"To australia. I found a good job in there and I want to settle there. I wanted to grab that opportunity to move on as well." He said and I hugged him for the last time.

"That's great Kurt. Don't worry. you'll find someone who would love you more than I did and could keep up with your mom." I said and his mom suddenly looked at our direction.

"Don't even think about it mom." He said and fanned herself.

"I'll be in the car. Don't be long. Your flight's in 3 hours." She said and went outside without even saying goodbye. What a rude old woman.

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