Chapter 11

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I woke up hearing a lot of whispering and murmurs. My body kind of ached so I moved my body slowly.

"Scram!" Someone said and suddenly I heard a lot of footsteps. They were all looking at me sleeping huh?

"I'm still here?" I asked no one in particular but they all nodded at me. I was stretching a bit and looked up only to see a sleeping Elyar hugging me. Are we like this all night?!

"Morning beautiful." Elyar said and I hurridly sat up and fixed myself.

"I'm really really sorry. I fell asleep while Watching Harry Potter, I think." I said and he laughed.

"You were sleep talking. That's how I noticed you were asleep. It was so funny!" Elyar said and laughed by himself. The rest then gathered around him.

"What did she say?" Sylvia asked. They were really that interested??

"Well, She said.. PFFFT! Swiper no Swiping! Oh men! Doraaaaaa. boooots! BAMONOS!" And they all rolled on the floor laughing as Elyar also demostrated on how I looked like. This is really embarassing!

"Next time when she talks, make sure to take a video! I'd upload it in Vine!" Crissy said while laughing.

"haha very funny. I'll cook my own breakfast." I said and they still laughed at me as I head for the kitchen. I cooked myself some ham and omelet. I'm really starving so I made two servings for myself.

"Is that for me?" I heard Elyar on the table talking to me.'

"No. I am making two servings for myself because I am hungry. You cook for your own." I said as I transfered the omelet to my dish and headed to our room. 

I ate there alone as I began working on the five scripts that's been assigned to me. 

"hey if you're mad at me, I'm really sorry for making fun of you." Elyar suddenly appeared in front of the door.

"No. I'm not upset. I'm a bit off today. I'm not a morning person. Don't worry It's not your fault." I told him but it doesn't seem to convince him.

"I thought you said you'll have a break?" He asked and my focus was still on the laptop.

"I realized I can't." I said briefly which made him walk towards his bed. 

Nobody spoke after that but he wasn't that comfortable with the silence.

"You know it really bugs me." Elyar said and my eyes were still on the laptop.

"What bugs you?" I asked pretending not to notice.

"The silence? I mean I have apologized why are you still upset?" He asked again and this time, I faced him.

"It's really not you El." I said and he stood up getting all fraustrated.

"Then what is it?" He asked me and I was shocked by his sudden attitude.

"Chill. I'm just finishing my work here. I have three more left and-" I was about to explain when he went towards me.

"Look I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to. I really am sorry for that." He said. I gave him a big smile that made him breathe again.

"Okay. I'll put this aside. What to do now?" I ask and he pulled my towel and pushed me towards the bathroom.

"Take a shower and we'll go somewhere. Just the two of us." He said and I followed him.

What is he up to this time? 

I know it's short so sorrryyyyyyyyy! :D vote for elyar fox!

That BoomBox Feeling (Elyar Fox FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora