Chapter 19

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"So you and Elyar end up being together for REAL?!" Sally said through skype. I called them the minute I got home. Elyar even went with me.

"So where is he?" Mom asked.

"He's in the kitchen. Preparing snacks." I said and they all stopped talking right after that.

"What?" I asked. Mom cleared her throat and said.

"I know that you love each other but, don't you think it's a little early for.. that?" Mom asked and I freaked out a bit. I wasn't thinking about that at all!

"mom! We're not.. *doing that*" I whispered so Elyar would not hear.

"Then why are you all alone in there?" Dad asked this time.

"He's just here to meet you." I said. There was a knock on the door while I was talking to my dad.

"come in! he's here. be kind to him okay? I love him." I told them and went for the door.

"hey. They're waiting for you" I told Elyar and we headed towards the computer.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Coleman. Hi Sally." He said and they all waved at him.

"Sorry if we have to meet through Skype. I'll find a way to meet you in person though." I said and they all nodded.

"let's get things straight here. If I see my daughter crying because of you, I will never forgive you and I will shave your head." Dad said and Elyar just laughed, but I can see him a bit frightened.

"We just wanted Ellie to be happy and if having you makes her happy, we won't get in the way." Mom told him and he smiled. The most genuine smile I have ever seen.

"unless you become like her asshole ex." Sally said.

"Don't worry. I will Protect Ellie and I will never ever hurt her. I promise." Elyar said and I was really happy that he said that. he really loves me.

"but really, it's too early for you to have-" She was about to brought that up again but I cut her off.

"mom! I told you we won't go that far! It's really late there. you should all go to sleep already. okay? Goodnight! and thank you." I said and they said their goodnights and signed out.

"your family is really great. They're really supportive." El said as I took a chip from the bowl that he brought.

"yeah they are. They're really good to me and my sister. I really love them" I said and Elyar hugged me.

"so what was that about?" He asked and I became confused.

"About what?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"what your mom was saying? won't we really go that far?" He said as he leaned against me making me fall on my bed. He slowly went on top of me as he held his hand to mine. He slowly kissed my lips and I enjoyed it but I broke the kiss.

"no." I said and pushed him aside and ate the snacks he brought. He hugged me from behind and whispered,

"okay, I'll respect your decision. Just tell me when you're ready." He said and kissed my cheeks as I fed him with some chips and watched The Amazing Spiderman again. 


I woke up cuddling on something and inhaling all the sweet scent that I could have. I felt it hugging me back so I buried my face against it more.

"Good morning Beautiful." He said and I smiled. My eyes were still closed though.

"Good morning El." I said and he hugged me tighter.

"You know we should get up because we have work. We have the whole saturday though, that's our break." He said and my eyes shot wide open and looked for a clock.

"We still have three hours, Don't freak me out like that." I threw him a pillow and laughed. He caught it though.

"oh you're on!" He said as he smacked me with a pillow as I grabbed another one and did the same towards him. He was really strong. He even pulled the pillow I'm holding and pulled me towards him. I laughed so hard but stopped when he kissed me, more aggresively than the last one.

"That was the cutest laugh I have ever heard. Music to my ears." He said as he kissed me once again.

"I'm gonna go shower." I said as I went for my closet to get my clothes.

"we should save water." He said. I wasn't getting at him.

"Shower with me." He said and I litterally threw him the bottle of shampoo I was holding.

"Just kidding. I'll wait for you. I brought clothes you know. I'll leave them here incase I'd stay overnight here again." He said and I agreed. I pointed him an empty slot in my closet.

"I'll bring some at your place as well." I said and he agreed.

"Now go take a shower. You reek." He said. I slapped his arm playfully but he laughed instead.

"just kidding." He said and I went inside.


We arrived at the studio and all eyes were on us when we walked towards the meeting room. when we entered, everybody clapped their hands. Maybe Elyar's single went platinum or something.

"We have two good news! First is that Elyar was nominated for MTVBrandNew and will be having an upcoming duet with Taylor Swift! How cool is that?!" He said and we all rejoiced. Taylor Swift is one of the most loved singers of all time and that would be a big step for Elyar's career!

"and we also knew that you two were serious about each other that will save me from thinking of how will the both of you break up in the future! This is just great! Rehearsals, recording and shooting will be done next week so be ready Elyar. You're about to soar up high!" His manager said and I was really really happy for him.

"So that means-" He said and his manager finished his sentence for him.

"From this moment till Sunday, you're free to do what you want. Well unless there's an interview or something that's unavoidable." He said and we were really happy to hear that.

"That's great!" Elyar said.

"Thanks!" I said.

"that is all! dismissed!" He said and we hurried towards the car. Where will we go next?

TADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I have updated and I will continue this later! :D vote for Elyar Fox!

That BoomBox Feeling (Elyar Fox FanFic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon