a letter for the readers who copy this book

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I'm gonna make this short. I appreciate the fact that you felt the need to like my book so much that you wrote your own, but it's honestly a dick move to go out and copy my writing nearly word for word and claim it as your own. If you're gonna make a text/chatroom book, make it original! Carry on the "legacy", don't copy it, or we'll be stuck with the same material forever. I encourage others to write books, but I can't stand when people use my themes, nicknames, storylines, or even my covers. I just really want everyone to be original. If you have an Avengers Texts/Chatroom book out there, and you've strongly modeled it after mine, there's a 99% chance that I've seen it and highly disapprove of it. I'm always on Wattpad reading stories, but I don't want to read a story that I wrote but in someone else's hands. I really, really don't appreciate stealing. And I know that it's mine because all of my writing is 100% original with the exception of the fact that Marvel owns the characters. Just, please, be yourself, be original, and keep on keepin' on. Thanks!

Bucks and kisses,

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