10. Four Eyes

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Your Pov:

Day 7

"So, is she like this all the time?" Dinah said leaning her back againts the wall as she stared at Lauren in her glass cell. "Well-" Dinah then looked to me, "Don't you get bored? You know, alone and all." Dinah said smirking as she rubbed my arm. "I'm not technically alo-" Dinah then shushed me and pushed me againts the wall, staring at me with lust in her eyes.

"We-well I-I-" I stutter not being able to say a word, "Lauren. I'm with Lauren." I say fixing my posture taking a seat infront of the glass cell. I then hear a faint sigh. "But look at her, she's weird. I only took this job for the money, I'm broke as shit and I need money for rent." Dinah says walking over to sit in my lap. "Wh-what are you doing?" I say, "Just be quiet, enjoy the moment." Dinah whispers as she starts trailing kisses down to my neck. "D-Dinah I-I" Dinah then places her lips onto mine, I was frozen, but I started kissing back.


My eyes then shoot open, "W-what?" I say. "I didn't say anything." Dinah says kissing down to my jawline.

I said stop.

I then look over to Lauren, her hands curled up into balls as her veins showed from her neck. Dinah then started grinding on me, smirking as she placed kisses onto my neck.

I said stop!

Dinah then flew to the other side of the room hitting the wall with a loud thump, my eyes then widen as I run over to her checking her pulse.

I sigh in relief, she's still alive.


As I watched the ambulance leave down the road, I sigh, walking back to where Lauren was.

She was back to her usual self, her hands calmly placed on her thighs, as she sat there quiet.

What the fuck just happened...?

The Paradox (Lauren/You)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن