12. Strangest thing

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Hi Guys, I'm in a good mood. So even if it's not Tuesday, here's an update. Enjoy! (:

Your Pov

Day 9

"Lauren, Lauren, Lauren." I say, "Talk to me atleast." I pout. "Ever since strange things have been going on, people have avoided working with me." I sigh. "Now I kind if have no one to talk to, but that's fine. Those people were crazy as shit, I don't need anymore of that." I say shrugging, I then walk over to the wall sitting infront of it.

"Well, since you're not talking, I'm just gonna sit here, facing anything but you." I say, "You know, you're lucky I even stayed in this job. It's all because I love you, even if you don't say anything."

Atleast a hug or a kiss would be great from her, feeling her touch, her skin on my skin would make me feel better.

I sigh.

Suddenly, I felt arms around my body, making me shiver but feel secure. I liked it, I even put my head to the side feeling the warmth of that person.


No one's here, the door is lock, and lauren is in her box.

I then turn my head facing Lauren, breathig heavily. "W-what the fuck." I say looking around, looking to every side of the room.

What the fuck is going on.

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