22. Masked

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Your Pov:

Day 26

(Best read with song on LOL)

I was in a ball room, everyone was wearing a masked. Looking down, I saw myself wearing a pink gown with gold sequins around the bottom.

Everything suddenly became silent as a somg started playing.

Making my way to the middle of the crowded room, a masked woman approached me. Her face was familiar, her green eyes very visible even if we were in a room not so bright.

"Would you like to dance?" she says taking her hands out, I nod taking it. "You look very beautiful." she says, "You can't really see me, how would you know?" I smile. "Oh, I know." She says taking me by my waist and starts to slowly dance.

"You smell very good." I whisper, "Thank you." she smiles.

Looking around, everyone was slowly dancing to the beat of the song, as if it was rehersed.

The woman then takes my hand and spins me around, "You're a very good dancer." I smile. "You're not so bad yourself." I say.

The woman and I then part as we dance with different partners. I gasp, feeling slightly uncomfortable. Spinning around, I am partnered again with the green eyed beauty.

"I-" "You know me?" I sigh.

"Just enjoy the night." "What's your name?" The woman smiles. "I can't tell you, you'll have to find out by yourself." She says letting me go.

I awoke in my chair facing Lauren, "Who was she?" I whisper.


Short filler chap, sorry I haven't been updating. Love ya'll! ❤️

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