Part 15 There's No Other Way

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You had some time before good ole Pickle Man would figure out a way out so you and 2D decided to look around this hunk of junk island. First you returned to Murdocs room, intimidated and woozy from the beating he backed away from you cowardly. You quickly grabbed 2D's clothes and a half empty bottle of rum. As you and 2D left the building you noticed the stench. You grabbed 2D's hand anxiously and walked the beach. From the first glance it was rather pretty but the more you looked around you realized why it had such a foul smell. The island was pure garbage, the trash surrounded you tons of it. "Stu the islands garbage..." you said a bit of fear in your eyes. "Well (Y/N) that's not very nice." you shook your head "No I mean the island is actually made of garbage..." 2D became more alert a look of shock on his face. After a quick walk of the island you and 2D plopped down in the sand as the moon rose in the sky. The moon shone on his blue hair illuminating his face. You hadn't really noticed it since you had started dating but he was really gorgeous I mean you knew he was cute but on this island of trash his hair seemed to be shining a deep blue and his face looked like it could tell a million stories and you would listen to every one. "Hey Stuart" you said still hypnotized by the singers looks "Yeah (Y/N)?" 2D replied leaning on you. "How are we gonna get outta here?" he leant forward slightly to kiss your lips "I don't know but we will I promise but right now there's no other way all that you can do is watch them play..." You shrugged unsure what he meant but it comforted you enough. 

C O N N E C T I O N 2D x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now