Part 25 Melencholy Hill

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     As you were thrown into the sea terrified you grabbed 2D clenching to him tightly. "I told yew ta hold on you dullard!" Murdoc yelled but you were too focused on the fact that you had just been plunged into the sea by a psychotic dill pickle. "(Y/N) calm down take deep b-bre breaths!" 2D fidgeted with his fingers his head resting on your shoulders. You felt horrible and sea sick like you were going to throw up "Oi (y/n)! Get yer arse up here!" you rolled your eyes and walked up to the front of the sub. Amazed you gazed through a beautiful view of the sea. Suddenly you felt a wave of calm wash over you you tried to grab 2D who seemed paralyzed with fear. "2D please calm down its going to be OK for once I think everything will be ok..." he smiled at you a tad giving you a small kiss on the lips. "(Y/N) can I ask you a serious question?" You nodded. "Will you still love me when we leave this hell?" you held his head in your arms "2D I will NEVER leave you...." he held you close to him....  "(y/n) I have a feeling that we may not be together towards the end!" You gave him a shocked look and a hug "Stuart I will NEVER leave you please don't ever think I will!" 2D sighed "(Y/N) I can't describe it but I don't think we will make it!" 2D chuckled sadly "Stuart we WILL stay together don't worry!"

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