The Howls Of The Night. { Werewolf/Human Love Story. } Epilogue.

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Ten  Years Later.

“Alpha Shawn, we have to discuss the issue that happen in Milestone. Two wolves that broke into the store last week.”, Beta Bran told me. He was the son of Zackary, Beta to who worked with Dylan, son. He was a year younger then me.

“I know,” I said. “I thought about just making them pay for it themselves. They’re both fifteen and don’t know better. I’ll just have they’re parents deal with them.”,

He nodded, “Okay, sounds like an idea. Pain of the ass little pups need to control themselves though.”,

I chuckled, “We were once like them though, you can’t say we weren’t.”,

He chuckled, “Yeah, but that’s different. I was careful with not getting caught.”,

I chuckled, “Yeah, same. Dylan found out I did something wrong, he beat my ass first and make sure I fix it later.”,

He nodded and looked down at his lap. He slapped his right thigh a moment later and got up, “Come on, lets get out of here. Lets go the bar and stop acting like our old men.”,

I chuckled, “Love to, but I got a wife and kids at home that need me. Even, if I come home and smelling like beer, Makenna will kill me. She says if she can’t have fun while being pregnant, I can’t either.”,

He chuckled, ‘Seems like our Delta has a chain around our Alpha neck and every time she pulls, you go flying back to her.”,

I growled up at him, but chuckled, “Hey, at least I have a mate, wife, and children.”,

“Yes, but at least I can sleep around, drink, and have all the one night stand I can have.”, he said.

“Who knows, you could find little miss perfect tonight and that chain will quickly be around your neck.”, I said and he snorted.

“Doubt it, but if that is true, hopefully my parents and siblings will leave me alone about it.”, he said. “’Oh Brandon, when are you going to find her!? I want grandchildren.’, I swear, my head going to pop off if I hear that one more time from my mom.”, he said and I chuckled.

“Well, good luck on that.”, I told him and got up. I grabbed my car keys, ready to go home. “I got two boys and a girl on the way, so I’m fine.”,

“Until our pack mother gets knocked up again.”, he chuckled as we left my office.

“Doubt it.”, I said. “She doesn’t want anymore, saying three is enough. And really, I couldn’t agree enough.”, I told him and left the car dealer ship store and we went our separate ways.

I got in my car and looked behind my stirring wheel placed closed to the gas meter a family picture of me, Makenna, and my two songs, Gavin Jackson Gates and Adrian Dyaln Gates. I smiled and started my car, making my way home.

Once I stepped into my house, my boys ran to me and I picked up them, throwing them over my shoulder, “How are my men doing today?”, I asked, walking further into the house and into the kitcken where Makenna was cooking. I looked down her five month bump belly and smiled.

“Good.”, Gavin said. Gavin was eight year old and had Makenna dark hair and my amazing blue eyes. Makenna got pregnant with him when we were eighteen and yeah, it was a mistake, but we don’t regret having him.

“Yeah.”, Adrian said. “Vincent showed up how to a tree today! It was awesome!”, he yelled excitedly. Adrain was five and had lighter brown hair to where it look seriously like chocolate almost and Makenna lightly soft green eyes, but a dark blue outline. He was also another surprise, but never regretted.

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