Chapter 3

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Ariana's pov

Me and Prince were talking in the hallways of the school, near our lockers. We hadn't talked about that kiss yet, I guessed we were too shy. "Do you have any plans after class?" said Prince, "Yeah, I'm going to babysit a little boy at the neighbours" I did some babysitting about two times a week. "Can I join you?" he leaned against the locker next to mine. "Prince, the parents are gonna kill you if they see you" a laugh escaped my mouth, "I'm just gonna sneak out by the behind door" he stated. "Alright then" the corner of my lips curved into a smirk. "See you later?" he said after the bell rang, "Yep," and we went in our seperate ways.

After my practice, I took a shower and changed into some comfortable clothes, then I went to the neighbors where I was babysitting. The folks were going for a date in a restaurant while I was taking care of their little one. We were watching some Bugs Bunny, when I heard the door opening, revealing Prince walking to us. "Hey.." I greeted with a smile, as he sat close. "Aww what's his little name?" he cooed in a baby voice, "Tevin" I replied, brushing my fingers against the boy's cheeks. "He's adorable" Prince tickled his tummy a little, making the child giggle.

Prince's pov

I always wanted children. I knew I was too young to even think about this, but kids bring so much joy and love, and I wanted to be a good example of a father. Tevin slightly pulled Ariana's shirt, "I'm hungryyy" the five years old boy whined. "What do you want to eat sweetheart?" she asked, "I want ice cream but mommy won't let me eat sugar after dinner" he expressed in a sweet voice. Ariana got up from the couch, and picked a tiny ice cream cone in the freezer. "If you like it, then you can have it.." she unwrapped the package, and handed it to him. "But don't tell your mom" she said jokingly, he nodded and said his thank you's.

Me and Ariana exchanged looks, as we smiled at each other. She randomly went by the piano that was in the middle of the living room, and started playing a piece, while I was still on the couch with Tevin. She played 'Stand By Me' by Ben E. King but in a piano version, it was so sensually beautiful. The way her fingertips touched the keys, was marvelous. My focus was only on her, I couldn't look away. I felt myself falling more deeply in love with her.

"Where did you learn to do this?" I asked after she finished, "My brother taught me the base, but I learned myself the rest" Ariana pointed out, a soft smile was stuck on her lips. "Do you know how to play?" she questioned me, "Yeah, I started playing when I was seven.." I remembered like it was yesterday, the first song I learned was the original Batman theme. "You want to show me?" a bright flush of redness laid on my cheeks, "Uh..-" she quickly took my hand and dragged me on the seat.

"I-I don't know what to play.." I got nervous from our thighs touching. "Joni Mitchell?" she suggested. I cleared my throat, placed the tips of my fingers on the keys, and started playing 'A Case Of You'. When I finished doing the notes, she told me it was amazing and that I was very good, which left a heat on my face. We found a now sleepy Tevin on the couch, Ariana carried him into his bedroom and put him to sleep. By the time she walked back to me, the door bell rang into the house. She looked at me like she was saying that I needed to go, but before I could move, she gave me a quick friendly hug. 'I hope she didn't feel it!' I prompted to the other door, and sneaked out from there.

I didn't know what happened next, but when I walked back home, my mom and step father were fighting and yelling at each other. 'not again' I whined in my head as I pressed my back against the front door.

"When are you two gonna stop fighting?!" I yelled, having both of them looking at me. My stepfather was one of the biggest assholes. I didn't even recognize my mom because of him. "You should shut the fuck up sometimes. That's none of your business" he snapped. Ma just let him say and do everything he wanted to me. "Can you tell your bastard of a son to fucking leave! God damn it!" he screamed at my mom, then went in the kitchen. "Go to your room, Prince" she demanded, "Really, ma?! you're really gonna let him talk to me like that?!", "Go to your room!" she yelled back. I ran down the corridor to my bedroom, slammed the door, and jumped on my bed in frustration. I couldn't believe my eyes. The silence was cut off by the growling in my stomach. 'I'm so hungry'.

I opened my window, sneaked out of there, and ran away at my dad's place. I thought that he would help me this time. Half an hour later, when I knocked on his door, he almost immediately opened, "Son?" he plastered a surprised look on his face. "Dad.. please help me..".

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