Chapter 4

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Ariana's pov

I've had spent the day with Andre and Morris, Prince wasn't there, we didn't know why. As I walked down the street, about four alleys away near my house, I saw Prince sitting at the corner of the McDonalds. "Skipper? what are you doing here?" I worriedly asked, checking down at his exhausted looking face, he looked like he had been crying judging by the wetness under his eyes. His arms were tightly gripped around his stomach. "I'm hungry.." Prince managed to mumble softly.

I took the wallet out of my pocket, and saw that I only had a five dollars bill. "I think that will be enough.. you coming inside with me? I'll order you something" I stretched my hand to him, and he hesitantly took it. After ordering his food, we went outside at the table, and he almost immediately devoured his plate. Prince had already told me that he didn't live under his mother's ceiling anymore, and that he was with his father now, but I didn't know he wasn't being fed.

"What happened?" I broke the silence, in hope to get an honest answer. "What? what do you mean 'what happened'? it's none of your business, okay?" the sass in his voice raised, I guessed that's what the lack of nutriments caused sometimes. "Okay.. I was just asking" I said completely calm. I knew he didn't like to talk when he was upset, I was very understandable on this, however, he decided to add some things. "That's funny coming from a person who grew up without parents.." I suddenly shifted my gaze at him with angry, yet hurtful eyes, "Does this have anything to do with that?",

"You don't know about a damn thing" Prince snapped, as I felt a wave of anxiousness rushing through my body. "What? I sure know what I'm talking about, he used to hit me goddamnit!" I held back some tears from the trauma my father caused me. Prince didn't say a word, he just stared at the ground like the guilt started eating him up. In frustration, I took my school bag, and quickly walked away. It wasn't his fault if he was acting like this, but the words still hurt. I stopped doing my way when I passed near the First Avenue, I just glanced from the outside of the club. A few minutes later, I finally decided to enter, 'it won't hurt a try' I thought.

"Where were you?" Jai, my brother asked me, as soon as I closed the door behind me. "Sorry, I-I got in detention" I lied. My brother was the kind of person that always put people first, he was so caring. Despite our fourteen years gap, our relation was pretty close. "For what? I was worried about you.." he confessed, which made me feel even more guilty. "I-um..." I thought for another lie, but it seemed like I couldn't found anything. "Are you lying to me?" he said nonchalantly,

Just like he read my mind, "Go to your room.." he demanded. I couldn't speak up anymore, so I went in my bedroom as told, I didn't even try to argue. All I could think about was the talk I had with the boss at First Avenue; I convinced him to let me work there with a fake identity card, he told me that I was starting next month. I had planned this since a while to be honest. I knew deep down that it wasn't a good idea, but my mind was telling me to go for it. Music was really important for me, it is healing, it's alive.

'I wanna fall inside your ghost' I wrote down the words like my life depended on it, 'And fill up every holes inside my mind' I wrote what I had in mind, I just watched the pen whom kept going on. 'And I want everyone to know, That I am half a soul divided' the sudden knock on my door made me jump. "Ariana, can you unlock your door please?" I heard Jai's voice from the other side. I quickly tucked my notebook in my drawer, and unlocked the door. He approached me with a bowl in his hands, "I made a salad in case you're hungry.." he laid the bowl on my nightstand. "Thank you" I sat up, and started to eat.

After a silent pause, Jai decided to speak again. "You wanna tell me where you've been now?" he placed himself next to me. "I was with the guys" yeah, I prepared myself. I just thought that a lie would hurt less than the truth. "That's all? why did you want to hide this from me?" his chuckle lightened up the room a little bit, I shrugged my shoulders, a slight smile painted on my lips. "See? it's way better when you tell me the truth, honey" my smile faded after he expressed those words. He planted a peck on my cheek, before he left my room, leaving me with the thoughts of a bad person.

The next day, at lunch time, I was at my music lesson class. We were doing the notes on the acoustic guitar. I felt Prince's eyes burning holes into me the whole time, but I wasn't staring back at him. When the lesson ended, we went into our lockers to get our books for next class. "Ariana?" I heard the familiar voice, I lifted my head up, "Prince?" I copied his tone. "I.. I'm sorry about yesterday.." he did look like he felt really bad about the way he acted. "You know I already forgot about this," a small breathy laugh through my nose escaped, trying to make the tension disappear between us, but he looked like he didn't want to smile.

I walked closer to him, and put my arms around him, giving him a bear hug. He hugged me back, his eyes were closed while my chin was resting on his shoulder. "I forgive you" I said as I slowly pulled away. A subtle smile appeared on his lips, I was so proud I finally made my best friend smile, I hadn't seen that in a long time. "And thanks for feeding me..." he pronounced shyly, "I'm not asking for anything in return, Prince" I always thought that helping people was a normal act, because that's what we're supposed to do. The world is a hurtful place in and of itself, we don't need to add to it, we're in a place where we all need one another.

"Let's go to class, Skippy" I said playfully, which made Prince grin a little. It was such a big relief to not having fights anymore, for now.

A/n; Hey guys! Sorry for the wait, I was really busy, I barely have time to work on my chapters during the week. Though, I try my best whenever I can! However, I hope your day was wonderful, and I hope you liked this part♡.

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