Chapter 9

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Ariana's pov

After almost three years, I was finally getting back at Minneapolis. Prince gave me the address to the hotel he lived in with his band, apparently he shared a room with Andre. I had seen Prince in his first appearance on tv, and I thought he was so adorable, even with his shyness. He lied about his age though, I guessed it was something between him and the Warners. I didn't get on tv yet, all because I really struggled to find a crew who would let me sing in real, and not just some lip sync, maybe that's why I wasn't that much known, I didn't do as much to promote like I was supposed to, but I didn't care, I just did my own things.

As I drove in the obscure streets, I thought I could visit Jai before reuniting with Prince, so I took the road I used to walk on when I came back from school in my teen years, it felt so weird looking back at then and now, though, basically nothing changed. I felt the numb in my legs as soon as I got out of the car, I've been driving for hours. After I knocked on the door, he opened the door, "Ari! you're back!" Jai embraced me in delight, "I missed you so much!" he expressed, "I missed you too Jai" I smiled ear to ear, before he pulled away and let me in. "So how was it? I saw you in the journal a couple weeks ago!",

"It was.. different. I never knew how easy it would be, the album wasn't a success but I'm still proud of myself" I stated, "Yeah, I'm proud of you too honey.. I heard you cancelled many tv shows you were supposed to perform in?" he asked, "Yep, the Warners aren't really happy about that, but I just want to show people that I'm real and not just the back vocals playing.. anyway, the news are spreading fast" I chuckled, making my brother do the same, "If you knew... So are you staying here for a while?" Jai interrogated, "Actually, I was going to visit Prince and then I would've go find some places to rent" I said, "Aww, you're all grown up.. are you sure you don't need my help?" he suggested, "I'm sure," I said as a smile plastered on my lips. "Okay.. just know that you will always have a place here" he pointed out kindly, "Thanks, Jai".

After a few hours, I was back on the road to finally meet Prince again. I couldn't tell how excited I was, but I was a bit nervous as well. The hotel was about five streets away. I parked my car in the parking lot, and waited outside near the entry door, since it was approximately midnight and I knew his rehearsing schedule, he couldn't be in his room. Just like I predicted, I saw Prince arriving by himself. "Ariana?" his face lighted up, "Prince!" I ran towards him and bumped into his chest as we hugged each other. His face was buried in the crook of my neck as we moved side to side. I felt like I was happier seeing Prince than anything else, maybe he was my comfort zone after all, 'Could that be love?' I thought.

I pulled back when I heard Prince sniffling into my sweater. "Why are you crying?" I said wiping his tears with my thumbs, "I missed you so much" he uttered. I pulled him in another hug, "Let's go upstairs, okay?" he nodded. After we took the elevator up to his room, Prince quickly wiped his cheeks before unlocking the door. Since the lights were off, we guessed Andre was already sleeping by now. Prince took my hand and guided me in, the room was very small, there was only two small beds, a tiny kitchen, and a bathroom, basically all the needs. Prince sat me on his squeaky bed, and did the same afterwards. "You can stay here if you want" he proposed shyly, I nodded my head as I looked around the room.

"You changed your hair?" I remarked, a smile stuck on my lips. "You like it?" he smirked, "Yes they're so soft" I giggled as I ran my fingers through his hair, earning a cheerful grin from Prince as a reaction. "I'm so glad you're back.. it was so lonely without you here," he confessed, "I read your letters everytime to uplift my mood" I chuckled slightly at his action, "I'm happy I could help... I listened to your albums and I can tell it's marvelously pleasant for my ears" a laugh escaped my mouth. "Which is your favorite?" his bottom lip twitched, "If I had to choose it'd probably be.. When We're Dancing Close and Slow" I conceded. He bit the inside of his cheek as a flush of red mixed with his caramel tone.

"Can you two stop flirting and kiss already?" we heard Andre growling, making both Prince and I jump a little. "Weren't you sleeping?" Prince snapped, "I was listening the whole time bro, how many years since it's been that? y'all are so cute together" Andre teased "Ari, he's crazy about you-" Prince threw a pillow at him jokingly, which made all three of us laugh out loud. "Go to sleep now" Prince jested, "Alright, alright" Andre whined childishly, and turned around so now his back was facing us. "Anyway," Prince crawled back on the bed, "a few days ago, I bought a place not so far away from here, do you mind helping me with unpacking the boxes tomorrow?" he asked, "Not at all, but why tomorrow?" I said, "Well, if you want to do it now we can-", "Let's go" I said excitedly.

We made our way to Prince's place, it was definitely only one street away. He unlocked the door and let me visit. "Nice place" I complimented, opening one of the many boxes. "Thanks," he said as he put the curtains by the windows. "No way! You bought it!" I laughed a little, looking at my vinyl album that was in the box. "Why not?" he stated, staring at me with a sweet smile. I shook my head in bashfulness. About two hours later, we finished placing his stuff everywhere in the house, it looked really great. "I think I gotta go now.." I said, "No.. please, s-stay" he strangely took my hands, "You just came back, don't leave again.." he put my arms around his waist, and suddenly 'Still Waiting' started playing from his turntable which I guessed the vinyl was already in.

I felt like Prince tried to send me a message with this song, like it was destinated to me. "Tell me, was I your inspiration for this song too?" I asked, he nodded his head slowly. I put him closer to me, so now our chest were touching, I closed my eyes and tilted my head as I moved forward until our lips touched. Prince moaned at the sensation of my lips against his, we kissed each other so passionately and soft, it felt like a dream. I slipped my tongue in his mouth, and slowly flicked it against his warm and humid tongue. While my grip was still around his waist, He cupped the sides of my face with his large hands as he fought for dominance.

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