Chapter 7

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Ariana's pov

It was really late at night, and I was coming back from the club. I forgot my brother arrived home at seven, and it was now 8:15, and I accidentally took the front door. As soon as I opened the door, I saw my brother on the couch, exactly like if he was waiting for me. And that's when I realized I should've sneaked in the window in my bedroom. "Finally you're back! where were you?" trying to act normal when I had just consumed powder, was harder than expected. "I don't have time right now.. I gotta go to school" I took my bag, and walked out of there. I thought I heard Jai calling out my name, but I never looked back.

In class, I wasn't really quite myself. Instead of being calm like I used to, I was rather bothering or clashing at my teachers, you know the cliché where the student say one word and the whole class laugh out loud? Well, it was like that. "Ariana I think you're getting yourself suspended for three days.." our math teacher said, whom I hated with passion. "Why is it acceptable for you to be an idiot but not for me to point it out?" I reported, earning the class say 'oohhh'. "You need to change your behavior-", "I’m sorry, was I meant to be offended? The only thing offending me is your face.. I’d like to see things from your point of view, but I can’t seem to get my head that far up your ass" everyone was taken aback by my response, "Now that's enough! get out of my class!" a sly smirk appeared on my lips before I walked out.

My brother was already yelling at me when I came home. "You're out all night and now you're getting suspended at school?? that's innaceptable! You're not aloud to go out for the rest of the week!" he stated. "Oh come on Jai-", "No, don't say a word. Give me your bag" I frowned at his order, "Why do you want my bag?", "Just give it to me!" he snatched it from my hands and started searching for God knows what. "This!" he held up a sachet with cocaine in it. "That's what you've been hiding!?" I never felt so bad before, I felt like the mouse whom just got caught by the cat. "Why, Ari?" he said desperately,

I didn't know what to say. I never saw him angry like this. "Who gave it to you?" he asked with a normal tone, tears were filled in his eyes. "It's nobody.. it's the club-" I stopped myself to think if I heard right from what I had just said, and that's when I knew I was in complete bullshit. "From the club?! what club?!" he sucked up the tears that tried to escape from his eyes, and his frustration crawled back. "First Avenue" I mumbled, looking at the floor. I heard him scoff before he talked again, "You're gonna leave this now, okay? no more outing until I say you can," he walked away, leaving me like a fool.

I was in my bedroom contemplating about what I should've or not done, I felt like a terrible person, but at the same time I wanted to keep what I was doing. My thoughts were cut off by Prince entering my room from the window, "Since when?" was all he said, I was confused at first but then I guessed that he heard the little conversation I had with my brother. "Months ago" I stated, not really proud of myself. "How many times?" he asked, "A couple of times.. I don't remember exactly.." I looked down, and never heard him say a word again. "You hate me too?" I shedded a silent tear, it was the first time I cried in front of Prince, and I didn't want him to see me.

"Who could possibly hate you?" he sat by my side, and looked at my face. I shook my head in disrepute. "He doesn't hate you..." he wiped my cheeks, "And I don't hate you either" he gave me a side hug, his head rested on my shoulder.

A Week Later

Jai and I were still in conflict. He didn't talk to me anymore, and it was driving me insane because I never saw him like this, he could be mad at me and still communicate with me, but not this time. Him and Prince would talk at times, but never to me, I felt like the rejected child. 'Maybe I deserve this after all' I thought.

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