Chapter 2

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It's been about 3 months since Jake's grandfather died and he has not been taking it well. When he's not at doctor appointments, he is locked in his room. I try and visit him but he just ignores the fact that I'm there.
Jake's parents are planning a surprise birthday party for him today. He's gonna hate it. Oh well, I'm going to be able to see him. Hopefully.
Jake's mom did she would text me when they are on their way back from Jake's session with Dr. Golan. My job was to get everyone quiet and somewhat hidden for Jake's arrival.
When I got to Jake's house, a large amount of his family was already there. I was there for about 20 minutes when Jake's mom texted.
"Everyone! Mrs. Portman just texted me saying they were going to be here in about 10 minutes. Everyone needs to hide and be quiet!" I yelled throughout the house.
People slowly began shuffling behind couches and walls, but they were still pretty loud. Just before Jake got to the house, I yelled, "EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP PLEASE!" I mean I still can have manners, right? Anyway, I heard the doorknob jiggle and then I hid behind the wall closest to the front door.
"SURPRISE!!!" everyone yelled when Jake came in.
I quickly ran up to him, before anyone else could steal him from me.
"Happy birthday, bud. I hope we get to see each other for like, more than 5 seconds," I said laughing.
Jake laughed too. God, I haven't heard that laugh in what seems like ages. A couple of Jake's relatives came up to him and wished him a happy birthday. He mumbled a quick "thank you" before grabbing my hand and dragging me to his room.
"You now have your wish, Hailie," Jake said, laughing.
"Yay, my life is complete!" I replied.
We sat on his bed for a little while before his aunt came in with a gift.
"Your grandfather wanted to wait until your 18th birthday to give you this, but I think you deserve it now," she said, smiling.
We both sat and watched Jake open his present excitedly. It was a book (okay idk if that's what it was but i'm too lazy to look in my book for the actual gift sue me). His aunt smiled and walked out of his room, leaving the two of us alone.
"You know," he started, "she still thinks you're my girlfriend."
"Yeah, I had a feeling. Whatever. Let them believe what they want," I replied.
We both avoided the birthday celebrations to look at the book and figure out what Abe wanted. Little did we know, we had just changed both of our lives forever.

Hey guys! I'm Meg the author and I just wanted to say thank you for reading! The final season premier of Teen Wolf is tonight and I'm slightly dying so, yeah. I love you guys! ❤️❤️❤️

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