Chapter 14

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When I woke up, the spot next to me where Enoch slept was empty and cold. One of his shirts was laying on the ground beside me. I slipped it over my head, put my sweatpants on, and walked out of the room.
The ship was eerily quiet, so I decided to check the control room first. Once I opened the door, I noticed it was empty. Where did everyone go? I walked toward the kitchen, where I saw a beautiful breakfast spread out all over the table. Suddenly, I felt arms around my waist and lips pressed against my neck. That only meant one thing-
"Good morning, princess," Enoch mumbled against my neck.
I turned around in his arms and wrapped mine around his neck. I guided his lips to mine and his grip around me tightened. After a few moments, I remembered that Miss P or the others could walk in on us at any moment. I slowly pulled away from Enoch, his lips following me.
"Where's everyone else?" I wondered.
"I may or may not told them to go explore the rest of the ship for a couple of hours so we could finally have that date," he answered, gazing over my body. "You look hot in my shirt."
He gently bit his lip. No matter what kind of danger we are in, he always finds a way to be a hormonal teenage boy. I looked at the floor, attempting to hide the blush that rose up to my cheeks. Enoch grabbed my hand and led me to my chair. Being the gentleman that he is, he pulled my chair out for me to sit down.
"I'm guessing Miss P made most of the food?" I giggled.
"No," Enoch said, defensively, "I made most of it. She only helped a little bit."
A sudden thought had occurred to me, looking at the spread of food. Where'd all of it come from? Hasn't this ship been underwater for a while?
"Before you ask, we docked for a brief time to get some necessities, like food, while you and the younger kids were asleep. You're definitely a heavy sleeper," Enoch observed.
Throughout our breakfast date, I kept catching Enoch staring at me. I would continuously ask him why he was staring at me, but he always came up with a dumb excuse.
After we finished eating, Enoch and I quickly cleaned up our mess and went into our claimed "room". We sat down on the bed. I had my back against his chest, sitting between his legs.
"While we were docked, I got you a present," Enoch mumbled in my ear.
He leaned over and grabbed something off the floor. Once he found what he was looking for, he wrapped his arms around me again. In his hands, there was a box wrapped in brown wrapping paper. I looked at Enoch, quizzingly.
"Open it," he smiled.
I took the gift from him and hastily tore the paper off. Inside the box, was a vintage camera. Or, at least vintage to me. It was probably the hottest thing ever in 1943.
"I know how much you love photography and vintage things, so I figured why not combine two of your favorite things?"
"Thank you. It's wonderful."
I turned my head and pressed my lips to his. Just as Enoch was about to deepen the kiss, we heard screeching, presumably from one of the littler girls. Enoch dropped his head into the crook of my neck.
"Why do they always interrupt at the most inopportune times?" Enoch groaned into my neck.
"C'mon, love. We have to make sure everything's okay." I held my hand out to him.
"I'll be out in a minute, okay? I have something I need to...adjust."
I stifled a laugh and walked out of our room. I walked down the hallway, maybe 30 feet, until Hugh and Claire ran right in front of me, blocking my path. I looked into the room they came out of and saw the others trying to entertain themselves. Enoch appeared next to me and pulled me into him by grabbing my waist.
"See, babe? It was nothing. Let's go back to our room and finished what we started," he said, kissing my neck again.
"Enoch! Keep it PG! We have children in here!" Miss Peregrine yelled when she noticed Enoch's actions.
"My bad, Miss P! We were just headed back," he smirked at me.
Enoch dragged me back down the hall toward our room. He was just about to close our door when Jake interrupted, yet again.
"We need your help, both of you."
Enoch groaned once more, relinquishing his grip on me, and followed Jake and me out of the room. We went into the engine room where Olive and Emma were trying to start one of the main engines once again.
"Why'd it stop?" I asked.
"We don't know. This one just, turned off. We were by the kitchen and all the lights went off, and it got very cold," Jake informed us.
"What do you think we could do to help?" Enoch questioned. "Hailie can move things with her head and I can bring the dead back to life."
"I think you just answered your own question," I giggled.
"Hail, you know I love you, right?" Jake started.
"Yes, why?"
"How angry would you be with me if I asked you to crawl in there with Olive and figure out what's wrong?" he tried smiling, like that would make me more willing.
I rolled my eyes and looked back at Enoch. I gave him a quick peck on the lips and asked for him to get me another change of clothes. He nodded and trudged back to our room. I hopped into the engine with Olive as a light and dug around to find any loose bolts or screws. Since we couldn't find anything, I quickly crawled out of the grimy engine and told the others.
"Ugh, I need to take a shower," I said, wiping the dirt off my clothes. Olive agreed with me.
"Maybe, I could join you," Enoch whispered in my ear.
"Keep it in your pants, babe. I'm not about to kiss you like this. I'll back back in an hour."
I heard Enoch grumble and mumble behind me as I walked away. I couldn't help but laugh at the very needy boy.

Hello babes! I'm on summer break rn soo i should be able to update more often! I enjoyed writing this chapter bc fluff and horny enoch haha! i hope you guys like this one too! make sure to vote for this chapter and leave any requests you have in the comments! love you guys!

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