Chapter 9

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Hailie's wearing the same outfit as the previous chapter. Just a quick FYI!
We walked through the bog and toward the main town. None of us knew what was going to happen. Jake and I were still technically "able to go back to the present" but did we really want to? We had made such amazing friends in the past few days and neither of us wanted to abandon them.
"Jake, what do you want to do?" I asked.
"I don't know. I mean, I should say goodbye to my dad, but what if I can't get back here. There's no way I'm leaving you all behind," he replied.
"Hailie, don't you have to say bye to your parents too?" Enoch whispered so only I could hear.
"No, they aren't around much and when they are, they pretend I'm invisible," I replied.
Enoch nodded and continued walking with me. After about 5 minutes, Emma scared me by yelling.
"I have the greatest idea! I will go
back to the present with Jake and Hailie so they can get some of their things and Jake can say bye to his dad and the rest of you will stay in the middle of the loop to hopefully keep it open!" she yelled.
"But what if it doesn't work? You know you can't stay in the present for too long," Enoch pointed out.
"We'll just have to hope it does work," Emma sassed.
"I'm in, how about you Hailie?" Jake asked.
"Sure, I guess we can try it," I replied.
We all went back to the cave where the loop was located. Jake and I took turns hugging the others, just in case the plan didn't work. I hugged Enoch last.
"If I don't see you again, you better not forget that little moment we had before the bomb hit," Enoch mumbled into my ear.
When I let him go, I could see him smirking. Emma said it was time to go so Jake, Emma, and I slowly walked through the loop. We felt the gust of wind and noticed the sky change.
"It worked," I said with disbelief.
We walked back to the town, trying to help Emma blend in a little more. We walked upstairs and saw Jake's dad asleep. I saw Jake grab a piece of paper and start to write something.

Dear Dad,
I have to go help my friends, so I have to leave. I don't know whether or not I'll be back. If I'm not, I just want you and mom to know that I love you, even though I may not show it. Grandpa's death I think helped me more than it hurt me, now that I look at things. I love you guys
P.S. Hey, it's Hailie. I just wanted to say I'm going with Jake and thank you both for being the parents I never really had. Sorry I didn't get to say a proper goodbye. Hope you both have a great life.

Jake and I looked at each other and smiled. We placed the note on Jake's
bed. I grabbed my Victoria's Secret PINK backpack to put some extra clothes in. I packed it full and waited for Jake by the door. He got his stuff packed and we left for the loop.
"I really hope this works," I said.
"You just want to see Enoch again, don't you?" Jake laughed.
"Maybe, but I also want Emma to get back to her family," I replied, defensively.
Jake didn't say anything after that. We reached the opening in the cave and took a breath. All of us joined hands and walked through the loop together. I closed my eyes, anxiously waiting for the gust of wind that might never come. Low and behold, the wind passed and I opened my eyes. I saw everyone standing in the same spots we left them in. I ran over to Enoch and hugged him
tight. He swiftly hugged back with the same urgency.
"You made it," he mumbled into my hair.
I laughed and said, "Of course I did."
We, abruptly, let go of each other, but stayed close.
"Oh yeah, you wanted the loop to work for strictly Emma's sake, right," Jake teased.
"Shut up," I whined, hiding my face in Enoch's chest.
I felt him let out a deep chuckle.
"Okay, let's get going, shall we?" Millard piped up out of nowhere, literally.
We all exited the cave together. Emma and Jake leading the way, and Enoch and me at the end to make sure all the younger kids stayed with us. We walked to the pier and decided to think of a plan.
"Do we even know what happened to Miss P?" I asked.
"I think I heard the guy say that he was taking her to London," Jake answered.
"How far away is London from here?" I wondered.
"It's about an hour boat ride, if I remember correctly," Millard responded.
"How are we going to get a boat? We are literally a bunch of children," Enoch questioned.
"I know where we can find one," Emma said.
She looked at Jake and he nodded.
"Follow me, and be ready to swim," she instructed.
"But what about my bag?" I asked.
"It'll dry, now let's go," Jake said.
I rolled my eyes and followed everyone into the sea. We began swimming into the sea. I was treading water until my foot hit something very hard. It lifted my leg up over it and noticed that I was standing on something. Emma went under water and began swimming through an opened window. We all followed. Just as I was about to run out of breath, Emma blew a bubble that floated up to me and enclosed my head, providing breathable air. We made it into a room and Emma began blowing the water out, making more air for us.
After a while, the ship we were in began floating up, out of the grave it's been stuck in for who knows how long toward the surface. Once it reached the top, Olive went though the engine room, lighting the fires so the steam can begin powering the ship. It took us a little while to forgive out how to operating it, but we eventually figured it out. We waited to reach London, figuring out ways to pass the time. Enoch and I stayed in the main control room and talked. Olive was right, he is a very pleasant person, he just put up a wall toward everyone. We reached a pier with an abandoned haunted house ride at the end. Enoch docked the boat and opened the main entrance. We all exited the boat and wondered over to the mysterious ride.

Sorry for the abrupt ending to the chapter. I thought it was getting a little long. ENOCH AND HAILIE ARE FINALLY BEING CUTE. If you can't tell, I'm pretty excited. Don't forget to vote & comment! Love you guys! ❤❤

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