Chapter 8

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We woke up the next morning pretty early, surprisingly. We decided to just eat at Miss P's with the kids. We quickly, and quietly, got ready so we didn't wake Jake's dad up.
The said goodbye to the owner and his son as we were leaving. Over the past few days, they became pretty nice to us. Probably because we stopped being annoying teenagers.
We were joking and laughing the whole walk to the home. I was surprised no one told us to be quiet.
"Morning, little children! And Miss P, of course," I hollered as I walked into the house.
"Hey, Hailie! Do you want to go on a walk with Bronwyn, Olive, Millard, and I?" Claire asked as soon as she heard me.
"Of course, darling," I accepted.
We wandered around for a little while when we heard Miss P call us in for lunch. We ate in peace then dispersed throughout the house. I was hanging out with Olive and Enoch when we heard a loud commotion downstairs.
All of us gathered in a group upstairs and slowly made our way down to the landing in between the 2 sets of steps.
We saw a man with white eyes holding a knife to Jake throat, holding a bird cage.
"Jake! Oh my god," I tried running to him, but Enoch held me back.
"No! Children, stay upstairs!" Miss P ordered.
All of stopped in our tracks, still in a tight huddle.
"No, children. Come here to me," the man taunted. None of us moved a muscle.
"Why so shy? I won't bite," he spoke again.
"Yes, you will," I mumbled under my breath. I heard Enoch chuckle slightly.
"Well, if you children do not come here, I'm going to have to kill your little friend here and take your ymbryne by force, and I'm sure you do not want that," the man challenged.
"It's fine, children. Just go into the living room you'll be fine," Miss Peregrine instructed.
All of us slowly moved down the stairs as a group, not one separating. Miss P opened the door into the living room and was smiling at us as we came down. We let the younger kids hug her and see her first. Claire, then Bronwyn, the Horace, and so on. When it was Emma's turn, she hugged Miss P and it didn't look like she was ever going to let go. After a couple of minutes, she reluctantly let go, said thank you, and walked with the children. Enoch was next, he simply said "thank you" and shook her hand. Finally, it was my turn.
I hugged her tightly and said, "Thanks for everything, even though I have not known you that long."
She nodded and shooed me into the next room. Jake came in behind me. Then, the door was closed and locked. Claire was crying, so I picked her up and held her as close as I could. I turned around and notice another older woman who was hiding behind the door.
"Miss Avocet, what on earth are we going to do?" Emma wondered.
"For right now, you, children, are going to stay in here while I tie up some loose ends," she replied, walking out the door.
All was seemingly still for a minute, then we heard Miss Avocet scream. All of us older kids looked at each other and began shooing the younger kids behind us. Suddenly, there was a loud crack almost like a door being broken open. Then, moments later, the sound happened again. This time, it was the door to the room all of us were in. The door broke open and I noticed Jake's eyes were the size of saucers.
"Jake, what's wrong? Can you see anything?" I asked, concerned.
Before he could reply, Enoch being rising next to me. You could tell by his facial expression, he wasn't doing this on his own will. Enoch was then being thrashed around the living room. Jake reached for an older looking crossbow and aimed it in Enoch's direction.
"Jake! Don't hurt him! What are you doing?" I hollered.
Jake ignored me and shot an arrow right by Enoch's chest, which caused the boy to fall to the ground. Emma and Jake led the younger kids out of the room and upstairs. Enoch was still dazed from the fall when we were the only two left in the room.
"Enoch, let's go," I mumbled, grabbing him by the hand and pulling him off the ground.
We ran up the stairs and found the others in the attic.
"We have to go out the window. Fiona said she can move the tree so we can walk on it. Fiona! How's it going?!" Emma said.
We heard Fiona mumble something but we couldn't really pay attention because we heard a loud thud from downstairs.
"We have company! Let's get going!" Enoch yelled.
He slid down part of the roof and I stayed in the attic, helping the littler kids go down to him. Once everyone was down safely, it was my turn. Heights were never really my thing so I was hesitant to slide down just as the other kids had.
"Hailie, c'mon, I got you, don't worry," Enoch soothed.
I timidly stepped over the windowsill and slid down to him, catching me by my waist.
"See, told you I got you," Enoch smiled.
"Thanks," I replied, looking into his eyes.
Neither of us moved. It was like we were in our own little world. The moment was ruined, however, by whatever was making the loud noises coming up to where I just escaped. Enoch and I hastily made our way over to the tree and followed everyone down. It began raining, making the trip more perilous.
Once I touched the ground, the heard planes flying above our heads. That meant the loop was about to reset.
"Wait, if Miss P's not here, who's gonna reset the loop?" I asked, even though I think I already knew the answer.
"No one," Enoch answered.
I felt my heart drop. Before I could process what was happening, Enoch grabbed me by my shoulders and pushed me slightly so that he was covering me. I heard a loud boom and I knew that the bomb actually hit the home, destroying everything in it's path. You could hear the younger kids crying. Enoch and I slowly stood up straight again, leading everyone away from their whole lives.

Hey guys! I felt like the double update was necessary because I made you all wait before the last update. Thank you for 1k views! Love you! Don't forget to vote and comment your favorite part! ❤️❤️

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