Chapter 5

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Just a reminder, Hailie is wearing the same outfit as the last chapter because it's the same day so enjoy a photo of the cast instead of an outfit :)

"What do you mean, September 3, 1940?" Jake asked.
"That cave we just walked through, that's called a 'loop'. That is how we stay young forever. We don't age. Miss Pereg-ah wait we have to go see her now. She's going to kill me if we're late!" Emma says, running away.
Jake and I shared a look that says what the heck was that. He simply shrugged and ran ahead to follow Emma. I was running next to Olive, the red-haired girl. Thank gosh I decided to wear my Nikes today because my converse would not have been able to handle all of this running.
After about 5 minutes of running, we saw a large house coming up over the horizon. It looked like the house Jake and I were at earlier. I am going to assume this is the children's home. We ran up to the front door and just as Jake was about to knock on the door, an older lady, with blue-black hair and smoking a pipe, opened it, almost making Jake fall on his face.
"Emma, you're 45 seconds late. What did I tell you?" the lady scolded.
"I'm so sorry, Miss Peregrine. We got a little distracted," Emma replied.
"Ah well, the past is in the past. Come in my chil-why, who is this?" Miss Peregrine asked, looking directly at me.
"Oh uh, this is my best friend Hailie. I'm Jacob, Abe's grand-" Jake started.
"Oh hush, I know who you are. Welcome to Cairnholm, Hailie. The more, the merrier!"
Miss Peregrine's stepped out of the way and welcomed us into her home. It was definitely an older home. Then again, we were in the 1940's at the moment. When we walked in, Miss Peregrine directed us toward what looked like a study. We walked past a kitchen and saw a boy carrying jars of hearts? Okay that's very weird.
"Who's that?" I heard Jake mumble to Olive.
"That's Enoch. He is very reserved and pessimistic. It's a shame, really. He is very nice, once you get to know him," Olive answered.
Miss Peregrine pulled Jake aside and swiftly shut the door. I followed the others outside into the backyard.
"Hailie! Would you like to join us in a game of soccer?" Millard asked. (I know it's not called soccer in Wales I just couldn't think of how to spell it)
"Sure," I replied, smiling.
Hugh, Millard, and I were in the middle of the second half of our game when Jake finally appeared again. Soccer was actually pretty fun with the boys. Both of them continuously cheated. They explained to me that they are called peculiars. They have powers, kind of. Millard is obviously invisible and Hugh had bees living inside him. I'm normal so I had a disadvantage.
"Hailie, what's your peculiarity?" Hugh asked, once our game was finished.
"Silly, I don't have one," I laughed.
"You have to have one. That's the only way you can enter a loop," Enoch interrupted.
"Really? Then how come I've never known about it?" I wondered.
"They come over time. I didn't know I was peculiar until I was 10, when I slowly started disappearing," Millard said.
"Oh, wow."
"C'mon! Let's go try and figure it out! Maybe Bronwyn and Claire can join us!" Hugh hollered.
He got up and ran to find the girls. I started walking behind Millard when Enoch stopped us.
"Millard, you should know that you cannot just make someone's peculiarity appear just like that. It takes time," he stated.
"You never know, Enoch. She might have experienced some signs already and not even noticed!" Millard replied.
Enoch simply rolled his eyes and walked away.
"Is he always like that?" I questioned.
"Yup. Everyday, it's awful," he replied.
I nodded and continued walking. We reached the pond in front of the house and met up with Hugh, Claire, and Bronwyn.
"Hailie! Maybe you have a peculiarity that involves water!" Claire squeaked.
All of us tried to think of things and do things that might have to do with a water peculiarity. Nothing quite worked. We tried for hours with no results.
"Children! Time for supper!" Miss Peregrine hollered, "Emma, dear, can you please give Hailie some clean clothes to wear?"
Emma nodded and led me to her room. She went into her closet and pulled out a frilly pink dress. I hate dresses. But I guess I will survive for a little while. Emma went downstairs so I could change.
When I finally got the dumb dress on and made it downstairs, the only seat available was next to Enoch. Great. I quickly sat down and ate quietly.
"Hailie, did you ever find out your peculiarity?" Miss Peregrine asked.
"Not yet. It's find though. I'm not that worried about it," I replied.
After that, it's was quiet, except for the sarcastic remarks from Enoch toward Jake and Emma. He ended up storming away. I've never met someone so negative in my life. I mean I can be pretty pessimistic at times, but no where close to Enoch.
"Okay, children, time for bed," Miss Peregrine announced.
"No! Not yet, can't we watch the loop reset?" Claire asked.
"I guess, but then straight to bed!"
All of us got up and went outside. Emma handed me a old gas mask. I gave her a look that said what is this for, exactly? She simply smiled and told me to wait. Miss Peregrine kept looking at her pocket watch.
"Okay, time for masks!" Miss P informed.
We all donned our masks and began hearing loud bangs coming from every angles. Then a plane flew above us and looked like something was falling. out of it. It's a bomb! Why are just standing out here watching a bomb! Are these people crazy?! While I was internally freaking out, Miss Peregrine began moving the dial on her watch backwards. The bomb stopped in midair, then began going back where it came from. Then everything began moving backwards. After a couple of seconds, the clock went to right after the bomb dropped, but it was the day before. Everyone began taking off their masks, so I did the same.
"What just happened?" I asked Emma.
"The loop reset. Miss Peregrine can control time. She is what makes the loop possible. Her peculiarity is that she is a ymbryne," Emma explained.
During the walk back to the house, she continued explaining everything about the loop.
"Okay, time for bed!" Miss Peregrine stated.
"Hailie! Jacob! Are you guys going to stay the night?" Claire asked.
"I'm sorry Claire but we have to go home. We'll come back tomorrow, okay?" I said, softly.
"Okay!" she replied, hugging me and running off with Olive.
We said our goodbyes and Emma led us to the loop entrance. We said goodbye and went back to the present. Jake and I hurried back to town as fast as we could because his dad was probably freaking out right now.
"Where the hell have you two been?! I've been worried sick!" Mr. Portman scolded.
"We got lost. The boys who showed us how to get to the children's home ditched us. We couldn't find our way back," I explained.
It wasn't entirely false. We did sort of get lost. Oh well, we escaped being yelled at. Jake and I quickly got ready for bed, excited to see the home again.

Hey guys! Sorry it's been a little while since my last update. I've been pretty busy. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! ENOCH IS FINALLY HERE!! I hate making him sound like a bad guy though. He does not deserve to be hot, tbh. Oh well.
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