Chapter 13

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Enoch and I were laying down in one of the rooms of the ship, isolated away from the others. I had my head on his chest and one of my legs draped over his lap. He was laying on his back, his arm wrapped around my shoulders protectively. The comfortable silence was broken when Enoch spoke up, scaring me, slightly.
"You know," he started, "we should go on a date."
"What kind of date? There isn't much to do on a not-so-abandoned cruise ship, filled with a bunch of kids," I replied.
"We aren't just a 'bunch of kids', we are a bunch of peculiars that have special powers that we can use to put an awesome date together."
I sat and considered this a moment. It did sound like a good idea. All the littler ones would love it, possibly more than me. Just as I was about to reply, there was a loud banging at the door.
"Hailie! Enoch! We need you! ASAP!" I think it was Hugh, but I couldn't tell for sure.
Enoch and I swiftly left the room and followed the trail of bees leading us to the main control room. Miss Peregrine and Emma were leaning over the table, the map spread across it, with the younger children scattered throughout the room.
"What's going on?" Enoch asked, puzzled as to why we had the map out. "I had already defined the course, this ship isn't that outdated."
Emma looked at him confused.
"Did either of you feel the boat shake like kind of violently?" the girl wondered.
"No, we were kind of in our own little world I guess," I smiled.
Emma then went on to state that she thought we had run into a large wave or something that steered us off the course that Enoch had planned. Emma, Miss P, Enoch, and, eventually, Jake immersed themselves into the map while Olive and I tried to entertain the littler kids.
What we ended up doing was playing hide-and-go-seek. I'd expected it to be easy, trying to find everyone, but I didn't take into account how large the ship we were traveling on was. It took me almost 2 hours to just find Claire and Fiona, and they were the easiest ones. Eventually, Miss Peregrine could sense how frustrated I was getting, so she relieved me and had the kids help her make some food for dinner.
I trudged back into the control room and found Emma and the two boys now sitting on the ground with the map in front of them.
I sat next to Enoch and rested me head on his shoulder.
"How's it been going in here?" I questioned.
"Awful, I have no clue where in God's creation we are," Enoch sighed.
"How was hide-and-seek?" Jake chuckled.
"Just peachy," I snapped, my voice laced with sarcasm.
Claire skipped into the room to tell us supper was ready, grabbing Emma and Jake's hands and pulling them up in the process. Enoch and I followed after them, though there was a distance between us.
"Why hadn't you guys had Miss P go all ymbryne-y and scope out the area, you know, see what's around us and where we are," I offered.
"She's still a little off after we got her back from the whole 'hollow incident', I guess," he reminded me.
"I hope she feels better soon, that bird will definitely come in handy in the future," I mumbled as Enoch pulled out a chair for me.
Following dinner, everyone headed off to bed, except for me. I stayed up in the control room. For some reason, I wasn't that tired yet. Enoch offered to stay with me but I convinced him that he needed rest and that I'll be back soon. I hoisted myself up onto the sill between the window and control panel. I leaned back into the corner and watched the sea as we rolled by.
After a while, my eyes began to feel heavy and I drifted off to sleep. Enoch eventually came in and carried me to the room he had invaded. He placed me on the bed and I instantly cuddled into his chest, even in my sleep. For the first time in many nights, I had a peaceful nights sleep with no nightmares.

Hey everyone! OMG ITS BEEN FOREVER SINCE IVE LAST UPDATED!!! IM SO SORRY!! I've just had a lot going on but I'm
back now. I've started thinking of smut ideas, like you all asked for (don't worry I'll let y'all know when it's coming)! If you have any requests, make sure write them in the comment section, like always. Please vote!! I love you guys so much!

Oh btw I love reading your guys' comments, they're awesome!

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