Chapter 11

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"Hailie?" Enoch said.
"Yes, Enoch?" I smiled back.
"I hope you know how distracting you are, sitting up on the counter like that," he replied, raising his eyebrow at me.
"And why is that distracting?" I asked, walking over to him, "I'm not doing anything wrong. I was watching you steer the ship."
"You're so beautiful," Enoch mumbled, wrapping his arms around my waist.
He picked me up and placed me on the ledge by the window next to the steering wheel. He stood between my legs and kept his hands on my waist. I wrapped my legs around his hips, pulling him closer to me. He slowly leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. He bit my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I denied him and pulled away.
"Such a tease," Enoch laughed.
"I wasn't teasing, there are children aboard this ship," I sassed.
Enoch kissed my cheek and went back to steering the ship. I hopped off the counter I was sitting on and walked behind him. I placed my head on his right shoulder, looking at the view ahead of us.
I heard the door open behind us. I was tapped on the shoulder so I turned around but saw nothing there. That only meant one thing...
"Ew! Millard please go put some clothes on!" I screeched, causing Enoch to jolt in front of me.
"I'm trying! You guys are in the way of my bag, which is what I originally came here to tell you!" Millard replied.
Enoch and I swiftly moved aside and allowed Millard to get dressed.
After a few moments, it was organized that Enoch and I would go get some rest, given the fact that neither of us had slept in a while and we were both exhausted.
I went into the cabin reserved for us girls, only to find Claire, Olive, and Bronwyn all cuddled together on one of the beds. I grabbed my backpack and threw on some pjs and hopped into the adjacent bed.
"How are you and Enoch?" I heard from beside me.
Olive had woken up and was now turned to face me.
"Um, we're fine, I guess? I don't know yet. We haven't really talked about it, you know?" I replied.
"Yeah, I guess. Goodnight Hailie," Olive mumbled.
"Night, Olive," I smiled and turned onto my side, slowly being lulled to sleep.
"Hailie, wake up! We need you're 'expert map reading skills'!" Someone said from above me.
I opened my eyes and saw Jake standing there. Oh yeah, I forgot he'd come back yesterday. Was it yesterday? It felt as if I'd been asleep for days.
"Jake what day is it?" I asked, groggily.
"September 5, 1943," he quickly replied.
Yup, it was only a day since Jake's return. And my "make out session" with Enoch. I wondered what we are now. Is he going to ask me to be his girlfriend? Or is he going to pretend the kiss never happened?
Jake allowed me to change into some new clothes. Once I was finished, I followed Jake to the control room, I assumed. My suspicions were confirmed as we walked through the familiar steel door. Enoch, Emma, Olive, and Miss Peregrine were huddled around the table where a map was placed. I walked around the table and stood next to Enoch. I quickly turned and gave him a kiss on the cheek, as if to say "good morning".
"Ew, what was that for? Have you gone bonkers?" Enoch exclaimed.
I stood there for a moment, flabbergasted. Apparently, he did not want to acknowledge that any of the kisses we'd shared over the past 24 hours. It was as if a switch had been pulled in him that made him emotionless once again.
I walked back to Jake's side of the table and gazed over the map.
"What exactly am I looking for exactly?" I questioned because looking at a random map with no explanation seemed kind of pointless.
"We're looking for a place to go that's somewhat safe from hollows and the war, which is turning out to be quite difficult," Emma answered.
I tried to remember all I could from my history classes about WWII.
"Well, I mean, nowhere is going to be completely safe. We should just find a temporary place for refuge," Enoch interjected.
"America," I blurted out without completely thinking.
Everyone turned and looked at me, dumbfounded.
"We can go to America, like Jake's grandpa did. There shouldn't be that many hollows there yet and it's pretty safe from the war," I explained once I began thinking clearly. "We've only been involved for about 2 years so that's nothing compared to what the European countries have gone through."
We all looked at Miss P, waiting for her to instruct us on what we should do. She smiled at us and nodded her head. She actually agreed with me, which kind of surprised me.
"How do you expect us to get there? This boat isn't going to make it there. Either it's going to fall apart at the seams or it's going to be sunk by German subs," Enoch stated.
"We'll find a way. Enoch, stop being such a pessimist, for once in your life," Olive shot.
I looked at her with wide eyes. She never speaks like that to anyone, even though some people have deserved it, myself included.
"Okay, sounds like we have a plan. We're going to America," Miss Peregrine squeaked.

Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long since I've updated last. I've had school and work so I've been a little busy. I enjoyed writing this chapter and tbh I have no idea why. Anyway...make sure you all vote for this story and comment any requests you guys have. Have a great night love you guys!

Jacob's Best Friend || Enoch O'ConnorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora