Chapter 6

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At 6:30, Jake's dad's alarm went off. Obviously, this was not taken with great responses from two teenagers.
"Ugh, shut it off!" I groaned.
Mr. Portman swiftly shut it off and went into the shower. Jake slowly got out of bed and trudged over to his suitcase to get clothes out for the day.
"Are we going back to the home today?" I asked.
"Probably. Unless my dad has some great plan for us today," Jake replied.
I nodded and crawled over to my bags to grab an outfit.
Jacob and I began arguing about who was getting the bathroom first when his dad came out. We looked at each other and raced into the room. I beat Jake so I shut the door in his face, laughing.
This is what I love about our friendship. We argue over the dumbest things and then forget about them almost instantly.
After both of us finished getting ready, we went downstairs to the bar for breakfast. We were served waffles and bacon. Once we finished out food, Jake went to ask his dad if we could go back to the house. He, hesitantly, agreed.
We ran to the house, being cautious of the bog, of course, as fast as we could. We entered the loop and saw Emma waiting for us on the other side.
"How did you know we were gonna show up?" I asked.
"I had a feeling," Emma smiled.
I followed Emma and Jake to the house. They were obviously flirting, they just didn't realize it.
"Ugh, get a room!" I laughed, teasing them.
I ran ahead of them and walked into the house. I encountered Olive first. She asked me if I'd figured out my peculiarity yet.
"Not yet. It's only been a few hours!" I giggled.
We both were fooling around in the garden when I saw something moving. It looked like a little clay toy.
"Olive, is that yours?" I asked.
"Nope, that's one of Enoch's soldiers," she replied, "He'll come and get it later."
There was an apple hanging from one of the trees that she grew. I was a little hungry so I went to go get the apple when it moved. I saw Olive's face and knew she saw it too. I looked at the apple again, it moved once more. Olive looked between the apple and myself. After a little while, it looked like a lightbulb went off over her head.
"Hailie! Maybe your peculiarity is telekinesis!" she hollered.
She ran to put a carrot on the ground about 50 feet away from me.
"Try and move it. With your mind."
I concentrated on the carrot and thought about it moving. It sounds weird saying it out loud. After a couple seconds, the carrot started moving, then floating. I tried not to get excited because I didn't want to lose my concentration. The carrot soon ended up in my hands.
"Yay! I'm telekinetic!" I screeched.
"Ah! I hear we found a new peculiarity!" Miss Peregrine said, walking out of the house.
"Yeah! Hailie's telekinetic!" Olive hollered.
I spent the next few hours practicing. I accidentally hit Olive in the head a couple of times, but she didn't care. Eventually, Jake came over to us and watched me.
"Congrats, Hailie! At least you know how to use your peculiarity," he said.
"Jake, you'll figure it out eventually. It's not like you can trap a hollow and walk around you practicing how to sense it. It'll take time," I explained.
We played around a little more, until Miss P called us in to get washed up for dinner. At least this time, she didn't make me borrow one of Emma's dresses.
I was stuck next to Enoch, but he was really quiet tonight. He kept looking at me and I had no clue why. Oh well.
Once dinner was over, Jake and I decided to go back so Mr. Portman doesn't get angry with us again.

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