1: Carrots?!

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It's the first day of my first real job. I pull my leg up and stretch it out, then I wonder off to my tiny kitchen to start my coffee maker.

I'm terrified; not that I'm going to let it show. I make my way to the bathroom and wash my face. I carefully apply concealer and mascara. I don't want to wear too much makeup, in case I'm going to be teaching some dance moves today, but I never leave my house with out concealer and mascara. No matter what the circumstance.

Call it vain, call it insecure, call it whatever you want, because you're right.

I pull my hair up into a high ponytail and put on a black tank top, a purple hoodie and yoga pants. I'm a dancer, I get to go to work comfortably...it's one of the many perks.

I sip my coffee and check the clock. It's 7:32 and I have to be at work at 8:15. I'm meeting the boys today. By boys, I mean One Direction. Most girls would be ecstatic, I however just want to do my job.

I don't hate One Direction, I'm just not a fan.

I grab my keys, lock my apartment door, and head to my new job.

I walk in the door at 8:12 and see that all five boys are already there, as is a tall red-headed woman. She gives me a tight smile as she walks out the the room.

"They're all yours," the redhead says to me. I wonder why she says this as I walk over to the five.

I immediately understand her frustration as I am greeted by the one who's name I recall to be Louis.

"I hate dancing, just so you know." He says to me.

I look up at him "Okay." Is all I can get out before someone smacks Louis upside the head.

"You can't just tell someone that you hate what they do for a living!" The blonde boy says, he has an Irish accent.

"Oww!" Louis screams.

The blonde turns to me "I'm Niall, by the way."

I ignore Louis and nod at Niall "Isabel."

A taller curly haired boy speaks up "I'm Harry, this is Liam," He gestures to the boy beside him, "And this is Zayn..." He points to the boy who was beside Niall.

At this point Niall and Louis have started fighting and have tackled each other onto the floor. I simply step back and look at them. It only takes them a few moments to begin to feel the intensity of my glare. They stop and slowly get off each other and rise to their feet. Both of them have their hands up.

"I'm your choreographer, not your mom, and NOT a daycare provider." I say my voice level and emotionless.

Louis speaks suddenly "Do you like carrots?"

I close my eyes and rub my temples "What does that have to do with anything?"

Louis looks down "I just wanted to know..."

I roll my eyes and hate how his childish act is actually making me feel guilty. "Yes. I like carrots."

He smiles at me "We could be friends if you didn't like dancing."

I put my hand up "I only like carrots in ranch dip." I say hoping to kill some of his belief in our friendship.

He's not phased. He puts his arm around my shoulder. "I think we can work around the dancing issue."

I bite the inside of my cheek and wonder what I've gotten myself into.

I check my phone. It's now 11:43 and I haven't been able to get through any of the dances I had hoped to. As soon as I start to teach them something, someone has to go the the bathroom, or needs water. Or some other insignificant problem that I really don't have time for.

Deciding that right now I won't be able to get anything done with them, I walk away from the boys over to the bars that are attached to the walls. I begin to stretch. I need to relax. After about 15 minutes of various stretches and still not being payed attention to by my employers, I start to dance.

It's a ballet dance I learned when I was 15, and it has always been my favorite. I've danced hip hop and tap and various other forms but nothing ever makes me feel alive like ballet does. I stop dancing abruptly as the room gets quiet.

"Don't stop that was BEAUTIFUL!" Louis shouts at me. I can already tell he's the most talkative; and possibly my least favorite.

I feel myself blush at his praise.

Zayn speaks up "No really, that was fantastic, what was is?"

I'm beginning to feel flustered with all the attention on me "It's Odette's Dance, from Swan Lake?"

They all nod. Niall laughs nervously "We won't have to learn how to do that, right?"

I try to suppress my smile, but the uncomfortable look on his faces makes me want to laugh. I can't control myself and start laughing. "No," I pause to catch my breath "You won't have to learn that."

I wonder if they are as bad as I thought they would be, and then I remember their lack of attention span and realize that they are worse. I expected them to be slightly obnoxious, it's a group of five boys, but I also expected them to listen to what I was saying. They did the first and not the latter.

I guess things could get better, but you know, usually you act your nicest during a first impression.

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