42: Can I Say Something Crazy?

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"There's a spider." I whisper to Harry. The walls are thin in this very cheap and very unsuspecting motel.

"Kill it." Harry tells me, whispering back. It's almost three in the morning and I don't want to wake up the people in the rooms next to us.

I walk over to the spider with every intention of killing it, but chicken out at the last second. When I see that it's fuzzy I run out of the bathroom and into Harry.

"It's too scary." I say, my voice hushed.

"You're a baby." Harry says, his voice normal toned.

I shush him as he walks into the bathroom and squishes the furry spider demon.

Harry walks out. "Ta da." He waves his hands around in the air in mock celebration.

"My hero!" I feign a swoon and Harry smirks at me.

"I really am. You wouldn't have gone in the bathroom if it weren't for my act of bravery." Harry sits on a small sofa in the room.

"How ever can I thank you?" I ask.

"No charge." Harry smiles at me. "Why do we do this?"

"Do what, love?" I sit down across from him. I just called him love.

"We just were broken up, for almost a month. And then I come here, with you, and I feel like we never separated."

"We must share a soul." I tell him teasingly.

Harry studies my face for a second. "I miss you."

"I'm right here."

"I know. But I miss you."

I get up and sit next to Harry. I curl up in a ball and nestle into him. "There's nothing to miss. Not anymore."

"We're probably the most dysfunctional couple." Harry sighs.

"No, Stockholm Syndrome couples are the most dysfunctional." I look up at him.

He smiles and shakes his head at me. "One step removed from an abusive relationship."

"At least we're removed?" I ask.

"At least." He sighs.

"Oh stop." I tell him. "You're here, with me, for the first time in weeks and all you want to talk about is basically the Beauty and the Beast?"

"Tell me what you were thinking when you broke up with me." Harry says.

I hesitate momentarily, and then I do. I don't hold back any details, from the moment it happened to the moments after that. The moment I learned of Sarah, the moment I realized that if I were ever to have a Prince Charming, it would be Harry. I told him how sorry I was for breaking him, and that if it made him feel any better, that I broke me too.

"Can I say something crazy?" Harry says, looking at me, a small smile playing on his lips.

"I love crazy." I smile up at him, trying not to laugh at our blatant Frozen exchange.

Harry sits up straight and sighs. He looks unsure of himself. "I know that we weren't together for the last three weeks, but absence makes the heart grow stronger." He seems to be reasoning with himself rather than me.

I nod anyway, just in case.

Harry looks uncomfortable. Scared, even. Like a boy asking out a girl for the first time.

"What is it, Harry?" I look at him, my brow furrowing. He's never acted like this around me.

"I just..." Harry runs a hand through his hair.

Harry stand suddenly.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Please stand." He looks at me.

I stand next to him. He looks into my eyes, and he doesn't break eye contact with me as he lowers himself to the floor, on one knee.

He reaches into his pocket, fumbling awkwardly for a second, his face flushing a light pink. He pulls out a small box.

I start to cry.

"Will you, Isabel Serenity Masterson, marry me?" Harry says, his voice cracks slightly at the end.

I put a hand over my face trying to stop my tears. I simply give him a nod and my left hand.

"Yes," I finally get out, between breaths. "A thousand times yes."

Then I drop myself on to my knees and take Harry's face in my own, admiring the silver band with three diamonds and two rubies on it. I kiss him softly.

Harry wraps his arms around me and pulls me close to him. "I didn't think I could do it." He whispers.

"Neither did I." I whisper back.

We sit like that for a while. Wrapped in each others arms, on the floor. I fall asleep in his arms, and wake up at some point during the night to him carrying me. I look at my hand, expecting the proposal to be a dream. When I see the sparkly symbol I smile.

"Harry," I whisper.

"Bel," He whispers back.

"Thank you." I say. "For more than just the proposal, for sticking with me. For having faith, for loving me."

"Thank you for letting me." Harry says so softly I almost don't hear it. But I kiss him for his words anyway, and then drift off into dreamland.

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