5: Dinner Dates

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Today, the boys have been on their best behavior. We have discussed two new dances and practiced some old ones. I wonder if they're being nice to me because I'm going to get fired. Liam's phone rings and he smiles when he checks the screen, he looks at me asking if he can take the call, I nod at him and he answers as he walks out of the room. I feel like something bad l is about to go down since Liam asked for my permission to leave. "Hi, Brooke," I hear him say as he walks out. I suspect she's his girlfriend, because of the goofy smile on his face. All of the boys are sitting on the floor, they're whispering like little girls. I hear Liam as he walks past the door "It's Saturday night, could you come?...." Harry makes awkward eye contact with me after we all hear Liam say that.

"I'm going to get water." I announce. I need to get out of this room, I have a vague premonition of something unwanted happening to me.

"Uhm, I'll come with you..." Harry says and follows me out into the hallway toward the vending machine.

Once we are in the hallway he nudges me, "Race you," he says. Instead of answering him I shove him and start running. Harry has longer legs than me and catches up to me quickly. He grabs me around the waist and whispers in my ear "Cheater," he's laughing as he loses his balance and we fall over, "You're going to pay..."

"How?" I say and realize that he's holding me still. He just smiles and me and begins to tickle me. "Stop!" I scream laughing, "Harry, I swear! I will -" I can't finish my sentence because I'm laughing so hard. He stops after a few moments. He's laughing too. To my eminent surprise I am not extremely offended. I notice that he has a nice smile. He stands up and buys a water from the vending machine. He tosses it to me, then he bows extravagantly.

"For you, my lady." He says mid bow and looks up smiling at me.

I open the water. "Thank you, kind sir." I say.

Harry runs his hand through his hair, "So this weekend there's this fancy dinner party thing," Ah ha, my premonition. "And all of us are going and we're bringing dates and I was wondering if..." He trails off a coughs. I know what he's asking, but I say nothing, wanting him to finish. "...if you would want to go, as my date...?"

This is the first time a boy has asked me out in a date. Do I even want to go? I look up at him, I like that he's taller than me. "Yeah, okay." I manage to get out. I think maybe I should stop shuttin gopen doors. Harry will be the test drive.

He smiles all goofy and happy and tells me the details of the party. We walk back to our dance room and all the boys look up at Harry. So this whole date thing was planned. It strikes me as cute that he had all of the other boys in on it...that's why they were being so nice today.

Louis looks at Harry "Did you..."

I answer for him "He did, I said yes, now let's move on."

Louis frowns at me "But we've done so much today!"

Liam smiles "Brooke's coming."

"Is she staying for awhile?" Niall asks him.

Liam answers "Yeah she doesn't have to go back until after the new year." And his smile gets bigger if that's humanly possible.

"What does she do?" I ask wondering why she doesn't live near Liam.

"She's a fashion designer, and she models occasionally, but she;s kind of short, so it's not like modelling clothes. She's usually in France." Liam answers, giving me way more information than I asked for.

I nod. I wonder how he and his girlfriend, Brooke, can do that. Wouldn't it be hard to be away from someone for so long? What about when they go on tour, what do all their girlfriends do then?

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