44: The Rules

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Harry is already awake by the time I wake up. I don't know where he is, but it's not next to me. If we're being literal, next to me would be on the floor, which is how I woke up, you know, falling off the bed.

"You're an acclaimed ballerina, and yet you wake up by falling on your own face...why?" I mutter to myself, before pushing myself up off the floor.

I move around the room until I kick open my suit case and pull on some clothes. I hear the shower running so I walk into the kitchen. We're supposed to catch a flight out to Oahu at eight this evening.

The shower stops and I pretend to be engrossed in watching the news. I hear the door open hesitantly and then the light flick off.

"Boo," Harry whispers right into my ear.

"Ahh," I say half heartedly raising my hands up in the air.

Harry laughs into my ear and kisses my cheek, then he tilts my head toward him slightly and kisses me on he mouth.

I shake my head at him as he walks back to the room.

The door is partially kicked shut and partial open. I watch him dig around in his suitcase before turn back around, facing the television.

"Hey, Harry?" I call out.

"Hmm?" He says, slightly muffled sounding.

"What exactly did Isaac say to you?" I ask. I'm thinking about yesterday, when Isaac went out to hug Harry. I know it was about my virginity but exactly what about it...?


"When he crashed me walking down the aisle first." I tell him.

Harry doesn't respond right away. Instead he waits until he had seated himself next to me, and then grabbed me in his arms, holding me next to him.

"Honestly I can't remember." He lies.

"You're not supposed to keep things from me, it's a sign of an unhealthy marriage." I taunt.

"Some stories are best left untold." Harry detours around my question.

"Some boys are best left undated. But I did it anyway." I tease.

"I would have been best left undated?" He sounds mock appalled. "Isabel Serenity Masterson, how dare you."

"I just can't live a lie," I swoon back, away from Harry, but still I'm stuck in his arms.

He laughs at me.

"Please tell me." I beg.

"It was a bro moment."

"Bro moment. How American of you." I smirk.

"Isaac coined the term." Harry winks at me.

I lean forward and kiss him. I pull away only to wrap my arms around him and kiss him again.

I guess it doesn't really matter what Isaac said to him.

I guess I also know that I'll find out, eventually.

I'm now the wife.

I am now Mrs. Harry Styles. Isabel Serenity Styles. "Tell me." I whisper in his ear.

"Or what?" He whispers back.

I pause. "I have no idea." I whisper.

Harry laughs at me. He's in a good mood. I don't really have to wonder why. 


"Hawaii!" I scream as we finally make it to a beach. I spin around in the sun. "Harry, look at this water."

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