41: Split POV - Running Away

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Sarah swings open the door.

Isabel is there in a tight, long sleeved, short, black dress with a neckline the looks like a V. She's definitely wearing a push up bra. I have to use all of my will power not to do or say something inappropriate, or stupid.

I wonder jealously where she came from.

"Hello." Sarah says, not unkindly, but cooly at the same time.

"Hi," Isabel says, her voice soft, she's not looking at Sarah.

"Hey," I can't stop myself from responding.

"When I was six I wanted to fly." Isabel starts talking. "So I jumped off the swing set, I thought that if I believed hard enough, I could fly. However a force, at nine point eight meters per second squared, also known as gravity, decided that I would not fly, so I fell, and I broke my wrist."

I nod my head.

"What does this have to do with anything?" Sarah asks.

"I'm getting there." Isabel tells her patiently. "I honestly thought that flying would be a really good idea. When I came up with the plan, it was a good idea, even while I was jumping, it was a good idea. It's not until I came out broken that I realized I was wrong."

"Yeah," I say quietly, understanding the parallel she's making.

"That's how I feel about what happened between us." She looks at Sarah. "I'm not here to steal your man." Isabel looks at me. "I just thought you should know. I thought you deserved to know that I am sorry about what I have done. But that I am glad that you have moved on."

Sarah just stares at her.

I can't find any words to say. When Isabel comes out with her feelings it always catches me off guard, I am never prepard with how to respond to her.

She shifts in her heels. Or maybe I should call them stilettos. I know that she would be taller than me.

"Likewise, I am also feeling that coming here was an egregious error." She sighs. "So, I'll leave you...to...whatever you two were doing."

"Nothing." I tell her.

She makes a face of confusion.

"We weren't doing anything." I feel like I need to tell her that.

She nods her head and turns around.

"Please stay." I ask her.

She stops but she doesn't turn to face me. "You can't ask me to do that."

Her voice cracks slightly at the very end, and I know why she hasn't turned around. She is crying. The love of my life is crying, I look at Sarah, and I look at her, and I realize that I am unable to do anything about it. I can't do anything because I thought that sleeping with some barista would make me feel better about losing Isabel.

I close my eyes. "I can't or I shouldn't?"

"Both." Isabel says.

"But I have." I say.

Isabel turns around now, and I was not prepared for the look of sadness in her eyes. "You have someone else, Harry."

"I don't." I tell her.

"You don't?" Sarah looks at me.

"Do you not recall the coversation we had, not five minutes ago?" I look at Sarah, annoyed with her.

"You're just dealing with your emotions!" Sarah says forcefully, willing me to believe her.

"I should go." Isabel says, and she walks down the sidewalk.

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