50: More Than

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"You light me up inside like the Fourth of July..." Harry's in the shower serenading me as I wash my face.

"You don't even celebrate the Fourth of July." I tell him.

"There ain't not guarantee by I'll take my chance on we," Harry ignores me.
He keeps going and I smile as he gets louder and more dramatic "Singing in the shower!"

I wipe the mascara off my lashes. Harry picks another song.

I sit on the counter while I listen to Harry.

"What's going on in that beautiful mind? I'm on your magical mystery ride, and I'm so dizzy..." Harry goes on.

I wonder what I ever did to deserve him.

"My heads underwater, but I'm breathing fine, you're crazy and I'm out of my mind..."

I smile. He can be so cute sometimes.

The water turns off and Harry keeps singing. He opens the curtain and I reflexively look away.

"Even when I loose I'm winning..." Harry sings directly at me. When I don't look at him I hear him laugh.

He grabs a towel. And the walks over to me. "The world is beating you down but I'm around, through every mood, you're my downfall, you're my muse, my worse distraction my rhythm and blues..."

I raise my eyebrows as he pulls me to the edge of the counter and locks his lips with mine.

He's very intense, it's much more passionate than I was expecting.

"Give me all of you." Harry says. But he doesn't sing it, and I think that he's serious, that this is an actual request.

"Ask nicely." I tell him.

Harry smirks at me. "Please?"

So I do.


I look up at Harry, who is laying next to me. The stars have overtaken the sun, and it's dark and quiet.

"I love you." He tells me.

"Mmm." I smile and wrap my arms around him. "I love you."

"What Darcy said was true." Harry tells me quietly.

"Would you have fallen in love with me if you didn't think I was pretty." I ask, thinking this will catch him off guard.

Harry pauses. "I didn't fall in love with you because I thought you were pretty. Actually, thinking you were pretty came later. Wanting to make you smile came first. And then it was wanting to get to know you, and then it was wanting all of you. It came in stages."

I don't respond. "What made you fall in love with me?" He asks.

I look over at him. "You made me laugh. You were so...annoyingly persistent. You never left, even when I so badly wanted you to. But later I realized that I never actually wanted you to leave. I'm glad your figured it out before I did. I liked the way you liked to talk to my mom. I like how you wanted to take pictures with me. How you got me a bracelet to match my ring. I like how you like to sleep with the window open. I liked how you left your wallet at my house on purpose. I think I fell more in love when you and I broke those plates. You smile so adorably that sometimes I have to look away because I just couldn't be responsible for my actions if I kept watching you..." I pause. "I'm rambling."

"I like it." Harry is smiling, his teeth looking iridescent in the dark.

"I like that you waited." I tell him. "In more ways than one."

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