51: The End

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My life story is different than I ever expected it to be. I never expected Harry, or dancing, or leading a ballet as Odette.

I watch from the sidelines as the ballerina who plays Odile dances that Black Swan dance. I watch her awed that I become privileged enough to be working with dancers as good as her, and to be seen or their caliber.

I look out into the crowd and see Harry, and Darcy (who is holding Louis' hand...what am I to do with that girl?) , and look in awe at those people. The friends I have made, the love I cherish. I look at the people who came into my life and liked me enough to stay. I look at the people who spent their time trying to figure me out.

Suddenly it's my cue and I walk out onto the stage, and I dance. I let every emotion I ever had go as I become the Swan Queen. I listen to the music and display the choreography.

Then I take a moment to be grateful for choreographers, because if they didn't exist not only would I be jobless, I would also never have met Harry. I take a moment to remember every fan I've ever had, and all the girls who stuck up for me when the media attacked my school photo.

Daisy and Darcy both publicly posted awful school pictures of themselves, and suddenly a lot of people were doing it. I think that pretty people are the people who can admit when they're ugly. I think pretty people are the people who don't care if everyone else knows when they look ugly too.

I am grateful for those people who cared enough to post ugly yearbook pictures, or ugly selfies, and tag me in them.

I was told a week ago in another interview that I started a movement. My only response was laughter when I told the interviewer that we should give most of the credit to the paparazzi that dug up the picture.

Life's been a pretty interesting game. I think that's how it must always go. Life screws you over and picks you up again. Life's a troll, it wants to knock you down, but it's also your biggest fan, because when you least expect it, something extraordinary happens.

That something extraordinary is not a person, it's not love and it's not a job. It's you gaining a new perspective. We all need a little push sometimes, and maybe it's falling in love that allows you to see life another way. But in the end, only you can fix you, because no one knows you better than you.

"Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is you-er than you." I still laugh every time that quote motivates me, simply because it's Doctor Suess.

I don't know if I could fully say that Harry was my new perpective. I think he was the push to the perspective, and I think that I had to do the rest. It took a few mistakes, but I think I found myself alright. Along the way I got married to the most awesome man ever, who didn't even yell at me when he found my stashed hairdyes.

When the last curtain falls and I walk off to greet the audience. I hug fans and sign autographs until Harry finds me. He plants a kiss on my lips.  "You were wonderful." He tells me.

"Thanks," I smile. "Hey, Harry?" I ask.

"Yeah?" He says.

"I love you." I tell him smiling.


The end!

It's long over due and maybe a little drawn out but it's done! Thanks to all of you who are still reading by now, (I'm going to be serious and own up to the fact that I had no writing skills when I started this, and that I know there are some loose ends that I created and I just figure out how to tie up. Like why have we never heard of Elle again? Do you even rememeber who she is? I actually almost forgot her name that's how long it's been since I though about her character.) I appriciate you for putting up with all of this. This was the first thing I have ever written through and actually developed, so forgive me for my plot holes. You all are great :)

Thanks for your reads votes and comments, you all are awesome and motivated me to write.

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