4: "Fun"

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I'm sitting in a limo, will all of the boys. I'm sitting next to Harry, but no ones on my right. I have been told it's going to be a long ride. I pull out my headphones and start listening to my music on shuffle. I sprawl out on the seat, I'm too tall to fit though, and my feet end up in Harry's lap. Seeing that he doesn't seem to care I leave them there.

Neon Lights by Demi Lovato comes on, and I think of my friend Darcy, I met her when I moved to London but I haven't seen her in a few weeks because I've been busy with work. She is a Lovatic, she took it to the next level though, bordering on obsession. Sleep overcomes me as I begin to drift off.

I wake up to everyone shuffling around me.

"We're here." Niall tells me.

I nod and sit up. I look out the window to see a large shopping complex. I raise my eyebrows "You're going shopping?"

Louis makes a face at me "Aren't girls supposed to think that shopping a fun?"

I roll my eyes, I do like shopping, just not with them. I push open the car door and marvel at the amount of stores in the complex. I get out of the car, feeling like a little kid all of a sudden. My mom used to take me shopping at places like this. She always wanted to try to make me look nice, to give me some type of normalcy, or common ground with the other kids at school. Needless to say, it didn't work. I smile somewhat bitterly at the memory. I bounce on my toes waiting for the rest of the boys to get out of the car.

Zayn points at me then says to Liam, "See, she's excited."

I shrug, and walk away.

"Izzy, have some fun!" Louis says to me.

"I will not." Is all I say back to him. I turn and walk into a shoe store. I might have a little fun with some boots.

I start to feel bad that I'm so rude. But I've come too far to let my emotions get in the way. Once someone knows what hurts you, they have the power to use it against you.

The real problem is Jillian. I was 16, I has lost 86 and a half pounds the summer before I turned fifteen. I thought things would be different now that I had lost the weight. But it wasn't. They would find new things to say about me. They would spread nasty rumors. Now I was a slut, or a hermaphradite or whatever was strange and not okay to be at fifteen.

There was this girl, her name was Jillian, she and I became friends. I really trusted her, she made it seem like I was normal and all the other kids were cruel; and heartless creature who feasted on souls. I told her a lot, once I told her that I wanted to go to homecoming with the school quarterback, Darien. She totally encouraged me to go for it, and then the next day I walked into school and everyone was making fun of me for liking Darien. Jillian was now best friends with all the girls who hated me. I haven't trusted anyone since then. I think I may be taking the situation a little far, but I don't care. She hurt me, and I'm not about to open myself up to be hurt again.

My phone buzzes, it's Darcy. Darcy and I are friends, I don't tell her very much about me, however I know A LOT about her. I feel bad for being so closed off, especially when she is the exact opposite with me. I check her text to avoid feeling like I suck.

Darcy: I see you!! :)

I look up and around for her. Where would she be? I see her outside talking to Niall. I feel a pang of jealousy. Not for her talking to Niall, just because she's so pretty. Her hair was long and chocolate colored, she had amber eyes and was so skinny. She always had been, she literally ate whatever she wanted. I hated her for that, but she was so charismatic I could never actually hate her. I walk out and she greets me with a large smile and a big hug.

"I've missed you! I have so much to tell you!" She pull away from the hug but keeps her hands on my shoulders. "Remember Tom?" She asks me. I nod in response. She folds her arms over her chest. "He was a jerk." She turns suddenly seeing that the rest of the boys have come over and have been watching our exchange somewhat awed.

"Hi!" Louis interrupts "I'm Louis, and you're Isabel's friend?"

She laughs awkwardly, "Yes, I'm Darcy." I know she's fangirling inside though, she told me as soon as I got the job that if she ever meets Louis Tomlinson she will propose to him. I don't see her on one knee though, so I'm pretty sure that she chickened out.

Liam suggests that we get lunch and Darcy agrees excitedly. "Isabel, I'm so glad I found you here!" She says to me as we walk toward the vehicle.

"Found me or Tomlinson's butt?" I ask her. The look on her face is priceless and her cheeks redden.

Darcy gets in first and before I step into the limo Harry whispers to me "We had no idea you were capable of friendship..." He's doing an awful job at keeping a straight face. I shove him then get into the limo. He laughs behind me.


I get into work at 6:15, giving me two hours to practice before I have to actually go to work. I had talked to the owner of the complex, and he said I could come in early before work to dance in the ballet classroom.

Once I'm alone in the classroom, I strip off my baggy sweatpants leaving on the yoga shorts I have on underneath. I put on my point shoes and warm up. It has been a long time since I danced anything, I know I'm rusty. I watch my form in the mirrors, which is why I went sans pants.

After a while I stop and decide to cool down. I pull my leg up over my head and wince, in haven't stretched it like that in a while. I need to keep up with dancing and stretching, if I want to stay in shape.

A tap on the glass of the door scares me so badly that I lose my balance in my point shoes and fall over. I groan as I check to make sure I haven't sprained my ankle, once I see that it's not sprained I glare at the window tapper.


"What?" I growl at him, as he walks into the room, rubbing my ankle.

He gives me a once over, not so subtly checking me out. It is then that I remember what I'm wearing. He wasn't supposed to be here.

"Nothing," he replies, unbothered, "is your foot okay?"

I don't answer as I take off my shoes and put my sweatpants back on. I check the wall clock, 8:02.

"Why are you here?" I question him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I'm normally here early, I heard music playing and I wanted to see who was here." He smiles at me "Mystery solved."

I roll my eyes. "Great job Nancy Drew." I pause, "Stop looking at me!"

He raises his eyebrows at me. "Why?"

"You're making me uncomfortable." I give him a glare in hopes to make him uncomfortable.

"As you wish," he says and walks out of the room, but not before winking at me.

I throw my stuff into my dancing bag and wonder what his wink was supposed to mean. Do I even want to know? Probably not.

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