25: Harry's POV - Alone

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Author's Note: if you want to read more about Ren and Jesse they're characters in my stories The First and Novel - Tea and Fairy Tales. (Respectively). :) thanks.

Harry's POV

She's driving me nuts. We have rooms right next to each other so I can hear her creaking around at three in the morning.

Not that I was sleeping anyway.

She is so frustrating. Why can't she just tell me about herself? Why does everything have to come out by force? I honestly doubt she was even going to tell me.

She was probably just going to break up with me.

I groan when that realization hits me.

She didn't plan on telling me because she was planning on breaking up with me before her trip back. After the stadium tour. What is her deal? Part of me knows that it's because she's scared, but another part of me thinks that she mustn't care about me. If she did she wouldn't be doing this.

Her door creaks open and I wonder if she's going to come talk to me. I want her to. Instead I hear her keys jingling and her footsteps down the stairs.

That basically sums up why Isabel and I have problems. Instead of just talking to me she leaves. What does leaving solve? When was leaving ever the best option? She's ridiculous. I should just end things with her, she obviously wants to leave me. I should. I could just get a plane ticket back tomorrow and end things with her in the morning.

I turn over to fall asleep now that I've made a decision. But I feel sick now. I love her. I can't just leave her. She's a basket case but she's mine. I bury my face into my pillow, I will find her tomorrow and talk to her. I will tell her why I was so angry and then that I love her.

But that doesn't change that fact that she was planning on breaking up with me. Making nice now doesn't change that fact that by the end of summer she will have said goodbye and I will be in England alone.

She'll talk to me, I will make her. We can work this out, she just needs to stop running from me, and hiding things. She needs to be open. She can't move back to Minnesota. How will I see her if she does? I couldn't move here with her. And knowing Isabel long distance would never work out in a million years.

I'm just going to have to talk to her I guess. If she doesn't run away.

One day I will stop chasing this woman.

Just not tomorrow.


I peek into Isabel's room but she's not there. Surprise, surprise.

I walk downstairs and I see Holly. "Where's Bel?" I ask. Her nickname that her family uses has rubbed off on me.

"I don't know." Her mom shrugs. "I saw her this morning. Did you get into a fight?"

"Kind of." I say, the car is still here. "I'll find her, we'll be back." I say, sighing.

"Her hair." Her mom says, trailing off.

"What about it?" I ask.

Her mom shakes her head. "Never mind, just find her okay?"

I nod and walk out the door.

I walk down the street and through the town until I see a tall blonde. Blonde. That's why she went out last night, to dye it back.

She makes me crazy.

"Isabel." I call out to her and she turns around surprised.

"Oh." She says.

"What...what are you doing?" I ask.

"I think we should break up." She says suddenly and then silence hangs in the air between us.

"Yeah." I say, reminding myself of last night. If it doesn't happen now it will happen at the end of the staduim tour. It's better to do it now then later, i guess. "I was thinking the same thing."

She nods. "Okay..." She takes a deep breath. "Okay, good." She wipes her hands on her jean shorts. "I can buy your ticket back," she offers.

"No," I say turning around. "I got it." I can't believe this is happening. "Goodbye Isabel."

"Bye Harry." She says, her voice small.

I walk back to her house and pack my things. I say goodbye to everyone. I tell them that it's over and to ask Isabel for the rest of the details. They look shocked, and to be honest, I'm shocked too. I call a car and go to the airport.

The plane ride seems longer alone.

When I get home I sit in silence, staring at the wall. It's all over the internet now since I changed the relationship status. Everyone has been calling me. Zayn, Louis, Daisy, Brooke, Niall, all of them, even my mom.

No one should be surprised. I would never be good enough for her to open up to.

Why do I feel so empty? I have been single before.

I turn off my phone and all the lights. I lay in bed staring at the ceiling until I can't hold my eyes open anymore.

I should have known that I could never have her.


"So, she broke up with you?" Louis asks. All of them came to my house. Brooke, Liam, Louis, Darcy, Zayn, Daisy, and Niall.

"Yeah." I say.

"And you said you agreed?" Liam questions.

"Yup." I sigh.

"Well did you?" Daisy raises her brows.

"No." I lean back. "But what was I going to do? Beg?"

"Isabel has a habit of taking the easy way of of everything. If you made a breakup hard she wouldn't have done it." Darcy says.

"But if that's what she wanted..." I say.

"She didn't want to leave you, she just doesn't know how to make it through the hard parts of life." Darcy says, the voice of reason.

"Well what do I do then?" I ask, annoyed that Darcy knows Isabel better than I do.

"I don't know." Darcy says.

"Me neither." I groan.

"Don't worry," Daisy says. "We could talk to her?"

"No thanks." I say. "It's between me and Iz."

"I understand." Daisy says.

But she doesn't. None of them do, not even Zayn. Zayn lost Perrie because he got too close to Daisy, I lost Isabel because I didn't get myself close enough to her. She didn't trust me enough to talk to me.

What am I supposed to do?

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