chapter one: honey

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      Ryan trailed his fingers over the blanket covering his lower body and continued to swing his legs to the beat.
Green Day played in his ears, triggering a feeling of rebellion. His parents would never let him listen to such music when he was younger, especially not while he laid naked. Sin.
But, Ryan wasn't 16 anymore. He was 22 and on his own, living in New York City with his best buddy, Pete Wentz and Petes boyfriend, Patrick Stump.

A knock on the door broke Ryan's train of thought.

"what, Pete!?"

Ryan shouted, tying the blanket around his waist and stumbling toward the door.

"it's Patrick, actually."

A soft, teddy bear-like voice was heard through the wooden door.
Ryan swung the door open and looked down at the short redhead.

"what's up, Patty?"

Ryan placed his hands on his hips and cocked his head to the side.

"the store opens at 8. it's 7:30, you'll be late."

Patrick offered a cup of warm tea and a strawberry donut.

"shit! thanks, Patty."

Ryan hastily grabbed the breakfast and slammed the door shut behind him.
Scarfing down the donut, he dropped the blanket and started to look around the room for clothes.
While he searched, he looked up at the window in front of him.
Across the alley way, a man stood watching him, lips stuck in a smirk. It was whoever lived across the alley from him. The man wasn't unattractive, but from several feet away it was hard to tell.

Deciding he didn't have time to deal with it, Ryan grabbed boxers, and some skinny jeans.

"Pete! I need a shirt!"

Ryan waited for an answer, and soon the door swung open. Pete threw a shirt at him, and two combat boots.

"love you, Pete!"

Ryan smiled to himself as the door slammed shut and pulled the shirt over his head. It was the white, 'I love LA' shirt that Patrick brought when he moved to New York.
He laced up his boots, and threw an army green jacket on.

While running his hands through his hair, he glanced at his tea. Ryan frowned as he realized it had gone cold. Whatever, he'd buy a new one on the way to the shop.

Ryan looked back at the window as he left, but the man from earlier was no where to be seen.

"bye, Patty. love you, Pete."

Ryan called out as he grabbed his bag, opened the living room window and left through the fire escape.
His boots made the rusty metal vibrate and clash, but he continued to race down the 12 story high stairs.

Once he reached the bottom, Ryan placed a cigarette between his lips and lit it. He blew the smoke out his nose and fumbled with his phone until the headphones were in his ears and Blink-182 sang to him.

Few people paid him any attention as he continued to walk down the crowded streets.
Ryan stopped once he reached Halsey's Bakery.

"Ryan, there's no smoking in here and you know it."

Ashley scolded, reaching over the counter and grabbing the lit cigarette from between his lips.
She took a sneaky drag before crushing it against the trash and dumping it in.

"what can I get you, sweetheart?"

Ryan have Ashley a chaste kiss before looking up at the menu,

"The usual. A medium hot green tea with extra honey."

"Sure thing, babe."

Ryan smiled and took his usual place at the window seat, watching little girls walk by on their way to elementary school.
Minutes of people-watching passed until Ryan's order was called

"Hot green tea, extra honey!"

The new girl, Melanie, called out.

Just as Ryan's fingers wrapped around the cup, another man made contact with his own hand.
Looking up, Ryan saw that it happened to be the pervert from earlier.

"I know you!"

"You like honey?"

The man let go of the cup, and looked at Ryan with a genuine smile.
Up close, he was stunning. His eyes were bright like the sun, and deep brown. His lips, pink and fill.

"Yes, I like honey! Now give me my drink, perv!"

Ryan snatched the cup and put it to his lips as if to prove a point.

"That's Brendon to you. Brendon Urie."

The man offered a hand, which Ryan shook timidly.

Another medium,  hot green tea with extra honey came and Brendon followed Ryan out the door.

"Is there a specific reason you're following me, or?"

Ryan asked, sipping on his beverage. Brendon shrugged and proceeded to walk beside the seemingly younger man.

"You're a pervert."

Ryan stated, turning into a shallow alley.

"You don't believe that."

Brendon smiled, walking closer to Ryan's side.

"How would you know?"

"You walked into an alley with me."

Suddenly, Ryan was shoved against a wall and Brendon's breathe was inches away from his neck, hot and heavy.
Brendon's hands pinned Ryan's arms above his head, and the taste of honey leaked from his parted lips.

"What are you doing?"

Ryan asked, his eyes fluttering closed.

"I never got your name."

Brendon said almost innocently. Ryan breathed out slightly and let himself relax.

"My name is Ryan Ross."

"Well, Ryan Ross. I'll see you around."

Brendon smiled and dropped Ryan's arms, backing out of the alleyway.

Ryan stood, shocked, out of breathe, and ten minutes late for work.


I'm writing this for a friend of mine, hi liz. but yeah, Ryden

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