chapter six: strawberries

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Brendon wrapped an arm around Ryan's waist as soon as they entered the busy atmosphere of Halsey's. It was almost a protective motion, but it didn't feel like it should. It was supposed to feel warm and make Ryan happy and giddy. but instead, he was uncomfortable.

"Table 6 is open, boys."

Ashley said as she walked past with two armfuls of dishes.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Thanks, Ashley"

Brendon and Ryan sat across from each other in the booth and waited for Melanie to take their order.

"You look tense, babe. Are you okay?"

Brendon asked, placing his hand on top of Ryan's.

"I guess things are just awkward now."

"Mm? How?"

Brendon moved his thumb in a circular motion, seemingly coercing Ryan to speak his mind.

"I just met your husband. It doesn't seem right. At least before i didn't know the dude."

Ryan looked down at his hand and then back up to Brendon.

"No, Ryan. Don't think that."

Brendon half-whispered. Everything around them seemed to stop, as if Ryan and Brendon were the only two who mattered. Ryan sighed as Brendon cupped his neck with two hands and pulled them together. Their lips met and synced together into a perfect kiss, and Ryan melted into Brendon's touch.

"Sorry to interrupt, but can I take your order?"

Melanie interrupted their moment, and gave them an awkward smile. Brendon slowly let Ryan go and returned to his position.

"Yeah I'll have a bud light beer and a garden salad."

"A Coke and a blt please."

Melanie wrote this down quickly, gave them a curt nod and scurried off to the kitchen.

Ryan placed two fingers on his lower lip and felt them buzz with the tingle Brendon's lips left behind. What was this man doing to him?

"Tell me something."

He demanded, looking Brendon straight in his round brown eyes.

"Like what?"

"Something i'll remember when i'm alone tonight."

"You're not alone."


By the time Brendon and Ryan had finished their lunch, snow had started to fall from the cloudy New York sky.

"You look amazing."

Brendon commented. Ryan's cheeks were rosy from the cold and snowflakes dusted his eyelashes and hair. His lips were paler than usual, and slightly swollen from Brendon's teeth sinking down on them from a previous kiss.

"Don't say that, you stalker."

Ryan joked, grinning slightly. Everything felt right again. his hand was in Brendon's and the snow around them felt like an invisible cloak,
hiding their affection from the world.

"Speaking of me stalking you, am I walking you home or to work?"

"It doesn't matter. I'm actually sleeping at Dun's for a while."

Brendon stopped and pulled Ryan into his chest,

"What? Why?"

"I did something bad and now i can't go home."

"Stay with me."

Brendon placed a kiss on the cold skin of Ryan's forehead, and proceeded to walk them
back to Dun's Drums.

"Who's this guy?"

Josh asked, smirking at Ryan. Ryan rolled his eyes and dragged Brendon up to the counter,

"Josh, this is Brendon. He's my-- uh- he's my person."

Ryan's cheeks turned bright red as he blushed at his own stupid comment.


Josh looked down at their hands, which held onto each other securely, and back at Ryan.

"Person includes stalker, and lover."


Ryan's cheeks were now redder than Josh's new hair color, and his face was warm all over.
Brendon chuckled slightly, then pulled Ryan into yet another kiss. The moment was brief and sweet,

"You do that with friends?"

Brendon asked, playing with the hairs on the back of Ryan's neck.

"Right. Son, your shift is over in like hour so why don't you and Brendon head home.
I think Tyler and Shiloh are heading over anyways."

Josh gave them that adorable smile and picked the heavy canvas box up again.
Dun's Drums didn't even get that many shipments where the hell did all these boxes even come from.

"Are you sure?"

Ryan asked, turning so he could lean against Brendon's chest. Brendon wrapped his arms around Ryan's waist and held them close together,

"Yeah, have fun guys. Daddy has work."

Ryan and Brendon nodded and turned to leave the shop. As they walked through the door, Tyler walked by holding Josh and his' daughter, Shiloh Joseph

Shiloh was conceived with Josh's sperm and their surrogate was Tyler's close friend, Jenna Black.
Shiloh had Josh's almond brown eyes and heart-warming smile. She had sandy blonde hair like Jenna, although Josh frequently made jokes about dying her hair.

As Ryan and Brendon exited,  Ryan looked back to see Shiloh hugging Josh's neck, and Tyler kissing his husbands cheek.

Would Ryan ever have that?

"What's on your mind, moon eyes?"

"My future."

"Our future, you mean?


Ryan looked up at Brendon and got a snowflake caught in his eye.

"I'm not leaving, baby boy."


this is undeniably cute?? also I loved explaining Josh's and Tyler's daughter, Shiloh. I picked shiloh after onisions ex

again, 7 months later and i'm cringing why did i rush this so much

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