chapter five: the mistress

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By the time Ryan and Ashley had finished the bottle, it was past closing time at Halsey's. Ryan left drunk and arguing with himself. Speaking of arguments, he had no idea where to go. Him and Pete were fighting and Ryan had literally no other friends.

As Ryan neared his home, he figured Brendon might be nice enough to take him in.
So, he crossed the street, and climbed onto the fire escape. Logically, Brendon and Ryan lived on the same floor, so 12 stories up and Ryan had made it.

He knocked, waited, and knocked again. Finally, Brendon's beautiful face appeared in the window. How magenta.

"Ryan? What the fuck?"

Brendon made way for the younger man to crawl in the house.

"Morning, Urie!"

Ryan's words were slurred and Brendon immediately knew he was drunk.

"Jesus Christ, you're lucky Dallon's out on a work trip. Are you drunk, Ryan Ross?"

"Maybe. Whatcha gonna do about it, Mr Urie?"

Ryan giggled and shuffled slowly to the living room. There were two neat white couches and a beautiful turquoise rug.

"You're really gay."

Ryan commented, kicking his shoes off and laying himself on the couch.

"Ryan, you can't stay here. I have a husband and you're too damn pretty."

"He doesn't have to know."

Brendon was now sitting on his legs in front of the couch where Ryan was laid.

"You're drunk, I'm not. That's wrong and I'm sure that even hammered Ryan knows that"

"Then grab a bottle and we'll both be drunk."

"No, Ryan."

Brendon chuckled to himself. He stood and draped a light grey blanket over Ryan's half asleep body.

"Hood night, moon eyes."

"G'night, Brendon."


Ryan's blurry eyes opened slowly and he took a moment to access everything. The pounding headache, the yelling, and the new surrounding.
He could only hear small bits of the argument,

"Who is he?"

"A friend?"

"He's like 12!"

Well. Ryan stretched his arms and sat straight up. He saw Brendon and another man arguing to each other. The other man was hot. Blonde hair and two narrow blue eyes, he was freakishly tall as well.

"Good morning. Do you guys have toast?"

Ryan asked, jumping over the back of the couch and heading towards what he assumed was the kitchen.

"Excuse me?"

The hot lanky guy followed him into the pantry, where Ryan looked for some sort of bread.

"Ugh? Wheat? Oh well, it'll do."

He shrugged and grabbed two pieces. Brendon was chuckling quietly, and his face was bright red.

"You're my husbands mistress you don't get toast!"

Dallon complained, looking at Ryan with disbelief.


Ryan narrowed his eyes and slowly pushed the lever on the toaster down.


Dallon was now in complete shock, and his anger was seemingly forgotten.

"Listen, my homie. It's about 8 am, I have work in half an hour. Let me eat my toast, give me a glass of water, and let me kiss your husband goodbye. After that, I'll be out of your hair. K, Dallon?"

Ryan winked and opened the cabinet for a glass.

"No! What the hell? Leave!"


Ryan held his toast between his lips and filled the glass with water.
They all stood in silence as Ryan sipped the beverage and crunched on the bread.

After moments of uncomfortable silence, Brendon spoke up,

"So Dallon, that's Ryan."

"Yeah, I got that, Brendon. Should I get the divorce papers now or after work?"

"Oh, babe, don't stress yourself. I'll get them on my way to breakfast."

Brendon smiled at Ryan and patted Dallon's shoulder sympathetically.

"Well, I gotta blast, good meeting you. Bye, Mr. Urie."

Ryan grabbed his bag, and pulled on his boots before giving Brendon a chaste kiss and flying out their window onto the fire escape.


"You're literally like on time, daddy is so proud of his little boy."

Josh joked, smirking at Ryan. He had just walked into the music shop and was already being heckled.

"Don't we have any other employees. It's always just you."

Ryan poked fun at Josh. He walked behind the desk and threw his bag on the counter.

"Hey, it's Dun's Drums. And if you look close, the sign also says 'featuring Ryan Ross's dumb ass.' Get to work."

Josh tossed a box of cigarettes to Ryan and headed to the back, per usual.

Work was long and boring, not more than 10
people came in. All looked the same, lightly tatted, dyed hair, and some form of piercing.
All the similarity left Ryan to think about his situation. He couldn't go home to Pete and Patrick. Maybe he'd stay with Josh, but Josh had Tyler and their daughter Shiloh.
Maybe Ashley was an option, although she was too young and crazy for Ryan's taste.
There was always Brendon. Maybe not Brendon. Dallon and him were still legally married, plus Ryan and him had met like three days ago.

"Moon eyes! I said, let's go!"

Ryan hadn't even noticed Brendon in front of him. He was too stuck in thought.

But now he had a new thought, and it tasted like honey and looked like the sun and was completely yellow.


it's fucking 12:00am. but I haven't updated in centuries so here you go!

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