chapter eleven: new years

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Brendon grabbed the small white pill between his index finger and thumb then placed it on Ryan's tongue.

"What's this one for?"

He asked as Ryan swallowed it with a small sip of tap water.

"Anxiety, my friend."

Brendon nodded and grabbed the yellow one.
He had never really asked about the pills Ryan took daily, he just knew he needed them. Occasionally, he'd pick them up at the pharmacy for him but Brendon never really wondered until now.
He put it on his own tongue, then grabbed Ryan in a kiss, transferring the pill to his mouth.

"That one?"

"Depression. That's why I like memes."

Brendon laughed and punched Ryan's arm lightly. Ryan started laughing too, then took the pale pink one.

"And that one?"

Brendon uncrossed his legs and wrapped his arms around Ryan's waist, pushing them back onto the bed. Ryan kissed Brendon's chin then looked up at his big brown eyes,

"Bipolar disorder."

Brendon's forehead wrinkled in confusion.

"I didn't know."

"No one does."

Ryan rolled from under Brendon's body and climbed out of the comfort of their warm bed.

"We're going to Petes in like ten minutes. get ready."


"Are you ready?"

Ryan asked, looking around the corner into the bedroom. He'd been dressed for like twenty minutes. It wasn't hard for him, black skinny jeans, a flannel, sneakers, and a necklace.
Brendon however, had been looking into the mirror and swearing for approximately thirty minutes.

"Almost, baby!"

"We're twenty minutes late!"

Brendon huffed and came around the corner. He apparently decided on jeans, a dress shirt and a loose gray jacket.

"You're hot."

Ryan kissed the corner of Brendon's mouth, and grabbed his hand,

"Let's go."

The walk across the street was comfortable silence, all for the cars honking and the music from some early celebrators.

Ryan anxiously knocked twice on the door, then waited for it to open.

When it did, Pete Wentz stood there with a shocked expression and a cup of beer.


"Hey, Pete. I know you're not happy, but I live here and I wanted to make-"

Pete cut him off by hugging him roughly. Beer splattered everywhere but neither cared.

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