chapter nine: conflict

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"Skipping work again?"

Brendon asked, buttoning up his freshly ironed shirt. Ryan ignored him for a moment, busying himself with lighting the cigarette between his lips.

"It's Christmas!"

He blew the smoke out in a spiral and gave Brendon a smirk,

"Christmas was five days ago, i've been counting. Doesn't Josh need you back at work?"

Brendon grabbed his jacket and threw it over his shoulders.

"Ugh. Look at you, my big cool boyfriend keeping me in check."

"I wouldn't need to if you would do what a normal adult does."

"What's your problem?"

Ryan scowled, and put his cigarette out on the bedside table.

"What the fuck, Ryan?"

Brendon slapped his hand and grabbed the crushed butt off the table.

"I'm sorry, Brendon."

Ryan threw the blanket off his legs and stood so he could wrap his arms around Brendon's neck.
They kissed and everything was like it was five days ago. The feelings of love and giddiness returned.

For three days, Brendon and Ryan have been bickering. Ryan didn't want to work, Brendon wasn't ready to support them both.

"I'll get dressed and we can get breakfast, i'll work today. I love you."

Ryan kissed under Brendon's chin and quickly gathered his clothes.
The whole time, Brendon waited patiently, observing the art that was Ryan's body.

When Ryan was clothed and ready for work, they grabbed onto each other and walked into the busy streets.

"Do you still love me? I mean when you're not fucking me?"

Ryan asked, running his spare hand through Brendon's mess of floppy hair.

"Of course. I  adore my baby boy."

Ryan smiled shyly at Brendon and looked straight ahead, thinking about what he used to have.

"Ryan Ross, I love everything about you. This past month has been the best time of my life."

"Are you sure? The smell of cigarettes in your sheets, my constant snoring, the lack of dick, and the photos? You love all that?"

"Your cigarettes are my favorite smell, and your snoring adds character. I love your photos and how excited you get when you take them."

Ryan blushed to himself now, totally aware of Brendon's longing stare. He also knew the celibacy bothered Brendon. They'd had sex once in one month of being intimate, in a more platonic way than romantic.


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