chapter thirteen: bullets

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Ryan stood under Brendon's window and started throwing pebbles at it, dodging them as they ricocheted back to him.
The window squeaked open and two familiar eyes looked over the edge,



Dallon looked confused, then signaled for Ryan to wait a moment.

Roughly forty seconds later, Dallon came around and into the alley.
Ryan hated to admit it, but the purple-red sunset behind Dallon made him that much more attractive.

Stupid fucking pretty face.

"What do you want?"

He asked, leaning against the wall and rolling his eyes at Ryan.

"Is Brendon here?"

Ryan asked. His hip started to itch where the weapon was concealed.

"No, he's on his way back from work."

"Are you in love?"

Ryan spat as he spoke. The thought of Brendon being with someone else was like a dagger to his mind and to his heart.

They belonged together.

"Is that what this is about? You miss Brendon? You love him?"

Dallon snickered and took a step closer,

"He told me all about your honey addiction, and I have to say, he still tastes exactly like green tea and honey. "

Dallon smirked, and leaned back against the wall.

Darkness had finally fallen around them and Ryan knew he wouldn't be able to conceal his anger much longer.
It was now or never.

His hand stung as he grabbed the gun and pointed it directly at Dallons pretty face.

Those pretty blue eyes widened and he froze, the smirk dropping.

"Ryan- don't."

Dallon slowly reached for the gun, and Ryan started to panic. He threw his hand back and hit Dallon across the face.

A surprisingly loud yelp came out of Dallons mouth and he fell. Ryan hit him again, then twice. He wanted to make sure there was no way he could be overpowered.

A pair of footsteps started to echo off the alley walls and Ryan knew he was in trouble.

They got closer until they stopped right behind him.


The voice was familiar. All those memories came flooding back. The kisses, the dates, the sex, the hugs, the honey.
It was like a knife to the stomach. Ryan turned around and his thoughts were confirmed by those round mahogany eyes.


He whimpered the name like it was a cuss.
Brendon's face softened until he noticed Dallon, the gun, and all the blood.

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