chapter seven: falling

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Brendon and Ryan walked hand and hand together back to Ryan's apartment, where they road in silence up to the 12th floor.

Ryan quickly knocked on the door and waited patiently until little Patty Stump answered.

"Ryan! Uh- Petes here!"

"That's fine. I'm just grabbing some clothes and money."

Ryan pushed past Patrick, pulling Brendon behind him. They went straight to ryan's bedroom, where he grabbed a suitcase and stuffed countless pairs of skinny jeans, many boxers, a few greasy tee-shirts, a hoodie, three leather jackets, and a hand full of wife beaters.

"I need more room. Get me that suitcase, Urie."

Brendon dragged over another black case and proceeded to shove two converse, a pair of boots, three huge sweaters, a cardigan, and a pack of cigarettes inside,

"Is that good, moon eyes?"

Brendon grabbed both suitcases and looked over at Ryan with a slightly cocked head.

"It'll do. Thank you so much for letting me crash at your place,"

Ryan scratched the back of his neck nervously and approached Brendon. He let his lips press against the older mans, and they were soon entangled in a kiss. Brendon picked Ryan up by his thighs and pressed him against a wall, capturing them in a heated embrace.

"Something tells me we've been here before,"

Ryan joked between kisses. He didn't know what they were doing or were this was going but he liked it. It was yellow.

The kiss ended all too soon when Brendon reminded him that they had dinner reservations.


Ryan stared at himself with dissatisfaction. Their dinner was at Danielle's, which was a very expensive place.
So Ross tried his best to look decent, black skinny jeans, a yellow sweater, and his brown leather shoes. Just to seem interesting, ryan wore his non-prescription glasses and his crystal necklace.

"Ryan Ross you look like a hipster."

He whispered to himself.

"Baby boy, we gotta leave!"

Brendon called from the living room. Ryan threw on a black leather jacket, a scarf, and his beanie before bursting out of Brendon's bedroom and into the open living room. His words caught in his mouth when he saw Brendon. He looked amazing, his shirt was tight against his chest and his jeans hugged every dip of his legs perfectly. His hair was brushed and fluffy on his head, swooping over in a messy curve.

"Ryan, you look-"

Brendon stuttered, at a loss for words. He just smiled and threw a maroon jacket over his shoulders, extending a hand for ryan.
He accepted the gesture, and together they walked out into the chilly December night.

"You look so good."

Ryan said, starting to swing their hands together,

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