chaper fourteen: afterthoughts

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Was it worth it?

Was Brendon's tongue in his mouth worth Ryan killing someone?

He knew, somewhere in the cobwebs of his mind, that he didn't really kill Dallon.

Brendon did.

The man he was in love with killed Dallon, the man he was supposed to love.

Even when Brendon was kissing his neck, and grabbing his thighs, Ryan noticed something was different.
They both felt dirty, and Brendon was distant.
It was like loving a stranger.

Regardless, Ryan still loved him with everything he had. Everything about him was still the same.

He still had beautiful brown eyes, and plump lips and soft hair and a beautiful body. Just his insides were rotten.



Brendon asked, holding the door open. Ryan picked up the last box and nodded, pushing past Brendon and out into the hallway.

After the 'incident' Brendon couldn't stay in the apartment, so they rented one in Brooklyn.
Ryan quit working at Dun's Drums and now worked on his poetry, writing for a local magazine.
Brendon continued to work at Fueled by Ramen, but got a promotion to CEO after his work habits improved.

Life together was perfect. All for that dirty feeling when they would look through old pictures and catch a glimpse of Dallon, or when a friend would ask where he disappeared to.

Brendon put away the last of their stuff and started to cuddle with Ryan on the couch.

"Hey, baby boy, can we talk?"

He asked, turning the tv off.

"Are you about to break up with me?"

Ryan joked, turning so he could look at Brendon.

"No," Brendon chuckled, "quite the opposite actually."

He dropped to one knee and reached into his pocket, revealing a velvet blue box.
Ryan gasped and covered his smile with both hands,

"These last 7 months have been the best times of my life. I'm in love with you, now and forever. Ryan Ross, marry me?"

Ryan nodded fiercely and grabbed Brendon in a kiss, tackling him to the couch.
They laughed and cried for hours, just holding each other close.

And just like that, Ryan's fairytale ended. Happily ever after.

The End.


and that's a wrap! Honey is over and i'm emotional as fuck!

Update: June 11th, 2017, 11:22pm.
i didn't wrap this up too well. so here's something a little more emotional.

when i started writing honey, i had 2 followers, and this was my only work. as of right now, i have 18 followers and 357 reads on this alone. that's fucking insane. i'm a 14 year old girl from maine, and all i want to do is write. that's all i've ever done. and this is surreal. having a platform to share, even if it's shitty gay fanfiction, is so amazing. since the ending of honey, ive started strawberries which is the sequel to this and has 160 reads, and paint which has 30 reads. even that is a major accomplishment. i owe any success from here forward to this story. one day, when i'm a new york times best seller and i'm supporting my family financially, i'll owe it all to honey. so thank you for reading my work and peeking inside just a small bit of my brain. there's more to come

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