chapter three: colors

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"Well hello, mr. Ross."

Brendon's voice was like their shared interest, warm and sweet.

"Come over."

From across the alley, Ryan watched Brendon's eyebrows raise in surprise,

"To your house? I said see you later but I didn't think you'd take it so seriously."

"I'll go over there, actually."

Ryan started to open the window, to which there was so fire escape under, but Brendon practically screamed into the phone

"No! Ryan are you crazy? There's literally no fire escape. Plus..."

Brendon's voice faltered slightly


"I've got a husband."

Ryan practically slammed the window shut and stumbled back into his chair,

"You're married? What?"

"Is that a surprise to you?"

Brendon rubbed his temples and took a seat on the desk in front of his window,

"Well you basically perved on me and in the alley you totally made a move on me."

Ryan shouted, rubbing his temples. He couldn't believe, both chances of a fuck were taken.

"It's not my fault you're in my window. Dallon's gonna be here in like two minutes, I have to go Ryan."

Ryan sighed as the phone made a click and Brendon backed away from the window.
He stood from the chair, pulled off his jeans, and threw his shirt off. His music loaded slowly and "Santeria" bombarded his ears.

Everything was black for him.


Ryan has what's widely known as synaesthesia. His thoughts and emotions were commonly tied to colors and/or shapes.

For example, warm tea made him feel pink, and reminded him of a circle.
Music made him yellow-pink-and blue and reminded him of rectangles.

So when Brendon told him he was married, Ryan felt black and triangular. Disappointed and once again, alone.


Ryan's eyes fluttered open, but squinted shut once again as the bright rays of the sun hit his eyes.
There was no knock reminding him to get up,
or handing him a breakfast. Ryan knew there wouldn't be one for a while, how tragic.

He stood and stretched, then pulled on yesterday's jeans. Deciding to switch things up, he looped a thick brown belt around his waist and buckled it tightly. Ryan grabbed a green t-shirt off his dresser and threw a leather jacket on over it. He laced up his converse, ran his hands through his hair, and threw on his favorite necklace

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