Hope Calls

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Weeks continued to pass. Still no one had seen the flash. Cisco had come to multiple dead ends. Wally had searched every inch of the city. Iris was losing hope. Barry was gone. And he may never come back.
With the little hope she had left, she called the person who would most likely find him.

Star City.
Felicity heard her phone buzzing while Olivet was talking to the team. She was suprised to see Iris' face pop up. She answered.
"Hey Iris. What's up?"
"I need your help."
She was crying.
"What's wrong?"
"Barry is..... he is gone. No one has seen him for weeks. I wouldn't call you unless it was serious, but I'm scared Felicity. I mean what if something bad happened to him?"
"Yeah. Of course. Are you sure he is not in Central City?"
"Yeah I mean Wally has searched every night."
"Ok I'll let you know if I find anything."
"Oh and Iris."
"The only way to get through this is not to lose hope."
"I won't. Bye."
Felicity hung up the call and turned back to her computers. She began typing all refferences to the Flash and Barry Allen.
"Where are you Barry."
She scrolled through the results before finding a Hotel with a room rented to Henry Allen.
"Oliver. Come here."
He came up the stairs and approached her chair.
"Iris called and said Barry was missing, so I ran a search. I found a hotel room in Star City being used by a guy with Barry's dads name. It was taken about the time Barry disapeared. I mean that can't be a coincidence, right?"
"Whats the room number?"
"Ok I'll go check it out."
Oliver left and went to the hotel. He found the balcony of the room. He shot an arrowon the wall and landed out side the window. When he looked in he was shocked.

Central City.
"Iris was awakened by her phone ringing.
"We found him."
"What?" She was more awake now.
"We found Barry."

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