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Living through memories. Thats what Barry was doing. He was living through his best and worst memories with Iris. Just now he went through moving in with her, and her protecting him from Tony. After that he was rushed forward to sometime. He was outside of Joe's house. It was dark outside and the lights were turned off un the house. That's when he heard a girl screaming. He looked over and saw a car parked. He knew what this was. He heard the house door open and close and saw 17 year old him run over to the car.
He remembers Iris was on a date with her boyfriend Carter. He was droping her off when he locked the doors. He was on top of her ignoring the screams she was letting out. She tried pushing him off, but it didn't work. That's when younger Barry started pulling on the door. When it didn't work he punched the window, and opened the door. Carter looked up at him.
"Can't you see we're busy."
He looked down at Iris who had her mouth covered with tears in her eyes.
His younger self looked Carter in the eyes, and then spoke.
"I think you need to leave."
Carter let go of Iris and stepped out of the car. He then grabbed Barry's neck, throwing him to the ground. He then kicked Barry in the side. Iris screamed and pulled on him, begging him to stop.
Carter turned and pushed her to the ground. Barry tried to stand up when he was kicked again. Carter the got on top of him and punched him over and over again. Barry then soon began to lose consciousness.
Before he did he heard a punch and Carter was knocked to the ground. He looked over to see Joe standing there before everything went black.
Seconds later he was in a hospital room. He saw Iris sitting next to him. Younger him started to wake up.
"Hey Barry."
"Where are we?"
"What happenned?"
"After you blacked out my dad arrested Carter, and called an ambulance. You have a broken rib, and a concussion. Other than that you should be fine. It was really brave what you did."
"It was nothing really. I was just protecting you."
"You're a hero Barry. You're my hero."
Tell her, he thought. Tell her how much you love her.
"I did what I had to do. I don't know what I would do without my bestfriend."
Iris leaned over and hugged him. He winced in pain.
"Its ok." He laughed.
Barry smiled at the two. The happy teenagers. Living without a clue of what the future would hold for them.

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