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"Iris are you ready yet?" Barry yelled adjusting his bow tie in the mirror.

This was it. Senior Prom. Barry was finally going to do it. He was going to tell Iris how he really felt before they left for college. The only problem was iris had a date to Prom. Tim. He had beaten Barry to asking Iris. That's when he heard foot steps on the stairs, and he turned to see her. Standing there in a red dress. With lace at the top that stretched down her arms. Her hair was in their regular curls, with half pinned to the side. He didn't realize he was staring until iris coughed.

"S-Sorry. Its just, um, you look really nice."

"Aw thanks Bear. You don't look to bad yourself."

They stood standing there in silence for a few moments until she broke it.

"We should get going. Don't want to be late."


They walked out to the car, and got in. They laughed and talked the whole way to the school.

When they arrived iris was immediately greeted by friends, and pulled away. Barry walked over to some guys, and talked. That's when they announced Prom King and Queen. Barry looked over to Iris' friends and noticed that she wasn't there. He looked around and she was no where to be found. He soon got worried, and ran out of the gym into the hallway. He didn't see her, so he walked outside into the warm May breeze. He ran around the parking lot before he stopped at his car. There she was. Sitting bundled up. She was crying. He knocked on he door. She jumped a little. Before she realized it was him. She unlocked the door and scooted to the passenger side. He opened the door and got in.

"Iris. What's wrong?"

"Its nothing. You should be inside, enjoying your Senior prom."

"Yeah. So should you."

"I can't. I just need to be alone."

"Too bad you have a best friend who cares about you to much. What happened."

" Tim. he said asking e out and all was just a little prank him and his friends decided to pull. Then he laughed at me for actually thinking that he cared about me. I just want to know. What is so wrong with me that no one loves me."

"That's not true. Your dad loves you. I love you."

"I know and I love you too. I'm just starting to think that I'll never find someone. The perfect someone."

"That's the thing Iris. That perfect someone is out there, but you just have to wait. Don't jump into something every time expecting the same thing. That perfect someone is just one person who loves you without a second thought. It just comes naturally. That perfect person, they'll be worth the wait."

" Thanks Barry."

She scooted over and layed her head on his shoulder. He though about coming clean and telling her, but he decided that it just wasn't the right time. They sat lie that for a while before he spoke.

"How about we get out of here. Get some Big Bely Burger and have a movie night. I'll even let you chose the movie."

A smile spread across her face and she nodded. They spent the whole night talking, and watching movies.

Barry watched as younger him and iris fell asleep on the couch.

Before he heard her voice.

"Hey Barry."

He was close. Close to leaving and waking up.


"Hey Barry."

He was stable. All she had to do now was wait for him to wake up.

"It's been a week. I'm getting worried. Caitlin says you should be awake by now. I'm starting to think that you'll never wake up, but I know you wouldn't leave me. I want you to know. Wherever you are. I'll always be here for you."

She grabbed his had, and brought it to her lips.


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