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"How do you think I feel every single night when I have to watch you leave when I don't know if you are ever gonna come back."
She was mad now, but before he could respond a streak of blue lightning crossed their path. Savitar. He turned to chase after him before she grabbed his arm. Confused he turned around to see her eyes slowly closing. Then he noticed the blood coming out of her mouth. She started to fall, but he caught her. That's when he saw  it. The wound in her lower abdomen. She had been stabbed.
That's when he felt someone grab his shoulders screaming his name. He shot up out of the bed to be greeted by a concerned face. The face that was covered in blood just seconds ago. He scrambled away and got out of bed. She looked at him with worry in her eyes. Little did she know he had just seen those eyes close and her heart stop. She crawled over to him.
"Hey. Its ok I'm here." She reached to touched his face. He flenched under her touch.
She sighed and rolled over to turn the lights in. She scrambled through the room. She began to put shoes on and grab a bag of clothes, all while avoiding his gaze.
"Where are you going?"
"Dad's house. I think I need to stay there a while."
"Why. Really Ok you wanna know why. Well I wanna know why you've been acting so wierd lately."
"I haven't been acting wierd."
"Really. Ever since you've gotten back you've been avoiding me. What happenned Barry? I thought we were doing good."
"We were."
"Really because you've been back for 2 months and this is the longest conversation we've had. 2 months. I barely feel like we are even us anymore, so until you can tell me what's wrong I'm not coming back."
Her eyes were filled with tears now. He looked her as she walked out. His mind told him to scream, but his mouth stayed shut.
What did he do?
A/N Sorry that my last 2 chapters were so far apart. I have a broken finger, and I write these on my phone.
- Last nights Mid Season Finale was so good, but if Iris dies I might too. Plus they moved in together. It was a good episode, and I can't wait until January 24!!

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