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Barry saw the image of him, and Iris leaving for college fade into an auditorium. He knew that this was their graduation. He recognized the man speaking, and the people sitting in front of him. He looked up when he heard his name. He then saw his younger stage stumble onto the stage, earning a short laugh from his peers. He walked over and grabbed his diploma. After more names he heard another familiar name. Iris West. He looked up and smiled as he saw he walk across the stage. She always took his breath away.

After about 10 more students, the ceremony ended. Barry hopped up hoping to find Iris. Who was on the other side of room. He was pushed and shoved out of the room. When he got outside he saw Iris and Joe posing for a picture surrounded by family members. He looked down, and felt himself tear up. He walked away hoping not to be seen by Iris. It didn't work though.

When Iris had gotten outside she had seen her dad, and had ran over to hug him.

He laughed.

"I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks dad."

Seconds later she was surrounded by relatives asking to take a picture.

"Hey where is Barry?"

"I don't know dad I haven't seen him yet."

When she finished the sentence she looked up and saw him turn and walk away.

She Frowned.

"Hold on dad. I'll be right back."


Iris walked around the campus looking for him. She found him under a tree with his head on his knees. She yelled his name while running over to him. He looked up then wiped his face standing up.

"Hey Iris."

He was trying to hide the fact that he had been crying, but it didn't work.

"Barry, what's wrong."

"It's nothing."

"No it's something. I know something is bothering you."

"it's just I'm going to miss my roommate."

"Nice try. All you did was complain about him, and how you couldn't wait to leave. You can't lie to me Barry."

"It's just that. I wish my mom and dad could have been here. I wish that they could have seen me grow up, you know.  It's been 11 years. Can you believe that? 11 years that my mom has been dead. 11 years that my dad has missed watching me grow up."


"I mean I've loved growing up with you and Joe, but part of m will always wonder what it would have been like if my parents had been there."

"Barry I can't tell you what it would have been like. I mean, everything happens for a reason. I think that you need to remember that. Not a day goes by that I don't wonder what my life would be like if my mom was here. All I know is that I love the life that I have. I look and the good, and forget the bad. That's what keeps me going. I know it's hard, but you're strong. I know that you can beat this with a smile."

"Thanks Iris. Growing up with you was the best thing that could have ever happened to me."

They hugged each other, and stood for a few minutes. They broke apart and ran back to where Joe was standing.

"We were about to start looking for you. I was getting worried."

"No we're fine. Barry just got lost in the crowd."

Barry looked down at her and smiled.

After what seemed like hours of pictures, iris pulled Barry to the side.

"I got you a present."

" Come on Iris. I didn't get you anything. I don't want to feel bad."

"You won't trust me, and I had to ask dad to do a lot of convincing. You are getting this present, so let's go."

They walked to the car, and got in. Before she started driving she stopped herself.

"Hold up. This is sort of  surprise, so I need to blindfold you."


She put a bandana on his eyes to cover them. Then she started to drive. They rove for a few minutes before they stopped, and she turned the car off. She got out an walked to his side, helping him out f the car. they walked through some doors. They stopped and she stepped in front of him.

"You ready."

"Yes I'm ready." he said laughing.

She slowly took the bandana off, and stepped to his side. He looked up and almost felt like he stopped breathing. A man stood in front of him.


"Hey slugger."

Barry an to his dad almost knocking him over.


"Iris asked Joe to call in some favors."

Barry turned around and looked at Iris.


"I knew how much you wanted to see your dad, and I know he couldn't see you graduate, but I figured seeing him on the same day would be good too?"

He started to tear up.

"Was I wrong."

"No. Iris this is...... This is the best gift I have ever gotten. Thank you."

He walked over and pulled her into a tight hug.

"You have about an hour with your dad, so I'm going to give you to some time together."

He nodded and hugged her again. She walked out of the room, and looked at him. Then she smiled and left. Barry was let thinking about how much he loved her. For everything she has done, and everything she will do.

After talking with his dad for a while an officer showed up to take him back. Barry left to go home. he walked in and saw Iris on the couch.


"Hey, how was it?"

He sat down next to her.

"It was good. I don't think that I could ever thank you enough."

They laughed.

"Actually I wanted to talk to you about something."

"What's up Bear?"

"I know that you lost you mom, and that I lost my parents. People leave us. it happens all the time, but you have always been there. It's always been the two of us. I always want it to be the two of us."

"What are you saying Barry?"

"I'm saying that I want us to promise each other that no matter what happens, we will always be there. Helping each other through it all."

"Ok. I promise. I promise that I will always be there."



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