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Was he dead?
He couldn't be because he was looking at himself, breathing.
If he was still unconscious how was he here.
He didn't understand it. It was like he was living in a dream.
Yeah. That's what it was. One big dream. These past 4 months have all been one big dream. Any moment he would wake up next to Iris. Without Savitar.
That's when he heard beeping. Iy was fast.
Iris screamed his name. Everyone rushed into the room, and he watched them circle the bed. That's when he heard it.
The flatlining noise.
Was this it?
Was he dying?
The noise continued as Caitlin attempted to bring him back with chest compressions.
He saw Iris fall over in tears. He saw her break down. Thats when he heard a screeching noise in his ear, and he saw a white light. He saw his mom and dad. They were in the light.
He reached out when he heard it.
"Barry." She sobbed.
He turned to comfort her when he felt really weak. He fell down next to her, and everything went black.
He woke up in Joe's house. Rolling over he saw his mom standing there.
"No. I am just a guide. Sending you through time."
"What do you mean through time."
"You have escaped death for a women you have shown no love for."
She responded with a nod.
"I do love Iris. I always have and always will."
"Then why are you pushing her away."
"It's complicated."
"No it's not. The future between you too is set, and you turn away."
"Is that what you want. For me to not avoid her. Fine. Send me back. I promise to be there for her."
"It's not that simple."
"What do you mean it's not that simple? Just send me back. Problem solved."
Thats when he heard a knock at the door. He looked over to see a man walk to the front door.
Not just any man.
He opened the door, and thats when he realized where he was.
There in the doorway stood him and his family.
10 year old him.
This was the day he met Iris.
"What are we doing here."
"We are here to show you the reasons you fell in love with Iris West. Every memory you too haved shared that brought you closer. So that when it's over you understand."
"Understand what?"
Before he got a reply his mom faded, and he turned around to continue the moment he was watching.
"Hi. We are the Allens. We just moved in down the street. I'm Henry. This is my Wife Nora, and our son Barry.
He turned his head to see a little girl come down the stairs and stand next to Joe.
Joe extended a hand to shake with his mom and dad.
"Hi I'm Joe West, and this my daughter Iris. Iris this is Henry and Nora Allen."
He looked down and pointed down.
"And this is Barry."
"Hi Barry."
He watched his younger self stare at Iris before he came to and said hi.
He laughed at the memory.
This was the day he met Iris.
The day he met the love of his life."
A/N- Happy Holidays. I tried to put in something Christmasy for the holiday. So I kinda went with the idea of A Christmas Carol. Hope you enjoyed it, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday.

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