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Caitlin released him. Said that he was healed. Perfectly fine, so he left. He had one thing on his mind, one person. He sped to Joe's house. Joe was surprised when he knocked on then door.

"Barry what brings you here?"

"is Iris home yet?"


Barry nodded and headed for the stairs. He didn't male it far before joe had stopped him.

"You won't find her up there."

"I thought she was home."

"She his. When you were in the coma she moved back into the loft."


" Why don't you find out yourself."

Barry looked at Joe, and smiled. He left the house and made his way to his place. To their place. He heard soft music playing as he approached the door. He knocked. She opened the door. She was wearing leggings and his sweatshirt. She stepped to the side, inviting him in. He made his way to the living room before stopping, and turning. Watching her walk over. All he wanted to do was wrap her up in his arms, but he knew that he couldn't do that right now. Right now they needed to talk.

"I think we need to talk."

"Yeah. I think we do."

"Iris I'm sorry. for everything."

"I saw Barry. I saw what happened. You froze. Why?"

" I don't know what you're talking about."

" Yes, you do Barry. Savitar stabbed me and you froze. Not only that, but you left me. For months. I thought you were dead."

"Yes. Ok. I stopped. I don't know why though."

"Don't lie to me Barry. I know you know why."

It was funny how fast a calm and simple talk turned into them full out screaming at each other.

Barry took a step towards her.

" I froze. I froze because I couldn't move. I didn't want to. Because I knew that the second I moved. That I ran. It would all be real, and I couldn't let it be real. I couldn't let myself believe that this was happening. That you hadn't been stabbed. That you were ok. That it all would be Ok. it didn't last though. I couldn't outrun the reality that you were dying. Dying in my arms. When I finally got strength I felt cold. Like I couldn't breathe. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw you. I was so sure that you were dead."

"Barry," she took his hand, and placed it on her heart. "It's still beating."

He sucked in a breath. Then she spoke again.

"Barry, you're not God. You're human. You make mistakes. You're not going to be able to save every one every time."

"That's just it. I made a promise to myself. That no matter what had happened, I would protect you, and I failed. I failed and you almost died in the process. it's unforgivable."

"I forgive you Barry. I do. I forgave you back then. I forgive you now. I will always forgive you. Because that's what you do when you love somebody."

"You love me?"

"Yes Barry. I love you. I have always loved you, and will always love you."

She barely finished before he bent in to give her a kiss.

They broke and their foreheads rested against each other.

"I love you too."

This time when they kissed it wasn't rushed or forced. It was a kiss of a promise. A promise for a better life.

A better Future.

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