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It was the little things.
The way he left before she woke up, and came home after she went to bed.
The way he never looked at her when she was at Star Labs.
How when she hugged him he never hugged her back.
How they never had time alone to eat.
Something was wrong with him, and she didn't know.
She figured that it would pass and he would talk to her.
But that never happened.
It had been 2 months since he returned from Star City.
2 months.
And still nothing had changed.
He never changed. She thought about confronting him about it. Maybe asking him what was wrong, but every time she built up the courage to do it he would run off. He would make excuses. He would throw himself into work, and only focus on Savitar.
It's not the first time she has seen him so commited to stopping a villain, but never has he lost himself in the process.
That's what he was.
But this wasn't like when his dad died.
He wasn't angry.
He was just so lost.
And she wishes she just knew why.

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