Run - Chapter Two

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After class, Liam asked where should we meet up. I told him at the park.

"Hey guys ! Hope you're happy that you ditched me back there at lunch." Niall said. He started walking with us to our next class which was our last period for the day, P.E.

" Do you think you're gonna make your goal for your mile time, or are you just gonna walk the whole thing?" Niall asked while rubbing his hair.

"Imma run the whole thing." I replied. After P.E. We walked home. I almost forgot to meet up with Liam at the park.

I saw him sitting on the swing. I walked over to him. He stood up stretching.

"Come on lets take a walk." Liam said

I wonder what he wanted to talk about. Maybe about the thing at lunch. Or probably just wanted to get to know each other.

"Look, I'm sorry about what happened at lunch." Liam said. He put his hands in his pocket and started starring at me. "It was kind of rood of him to call you that. Don't you wanna do anything about it."

He must really care about people, since he stood up for me like that.

"No. I don't really care. If he wants to do that he can do it." I told him.

He shook his head.

" Jena I really don't think he should be ever talk to you like that. No Man should ever talk to a beautiful girl like you like that." He said.

Hes really gonna make me start blushing but it was too late. I started blushing. He chuckled, Then stood in front of me. His hands were on my cheeks and his thumbs were rubbing them. Then his lips crashed onto mine.

He pulled me away.

"I'm sorry...I..didn't mean to do...I gotta go." He left walking out the park.

I dont see what was wrong.

The next day i started walking to school. Niall tagged along. School was closed because of spring break. I made sure I packed everything that was on the list for the spring trip.

"So yesterday...Me and Liam were walking in the park." I said.


I just couldn't tell him yet. that Liam and I kissed. It just didn't seem right telling my best guy friend. It would probably bring problems to our friendship.

"Never mind."

He sighed and we kept on walking towards school. The buses were already there. I put our suitcases on the bottom of the bus. It looked like the kind of bus for rich kids.The seats were so soft and they had the seats with the seat belt goes across your chest. They also had a bathroom in it. Wasn't really big, but it was still a bathroom.

We all hopped onto the bus. I didn't see Liam. He must be on the other bus trying to avoid me because of what happened yesterday.

The bus ride there took forever. I hope I get bunked with Niall and Liam because if I get paired with the guy who shall not be named , I'd kill myself.

We finally made it there. As we got off the bus some staff members or camp counselors took a suitcases to our room.

"Come over here! Get your room number and ID badge." A man with a mega phone said. "When I call your name you come up and get your ID badge. I'm your Principal..president... leader..headmaster anything that means i'm in charge of all of you. " He pointed at all of us. " Im David, Mr. David, whatever. Never call me by my last name, I hate it. Makes me sound old. Once you get to your room, you get your schedule for your 2 weeks here."

Mr. David started calling out peoples names to go and get their room key and ID badge.

"Danny Roberts..

Johnny Calle...

Harry Styles..."


10 minutes later they called me, Niall, and Liam's name.

"I got room 24B" I told Liam and Niall.

"Me too!" said Liam.

Niall stopped and looked at me and Liam. He looked pretty pissed.

"What room did you get Niall" I asked him.

"Room 24..C"

What how can this happen! Mrs. Dumple did say we might not get paired up with the people we choose. Atleast I got Liam.



Why? Liam kissed me! and now we're roommates for 2 weeks!


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